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    Kuroko once more woke to that dreaded nauseous feeling, looking over at the time he noted it was five in the morning. The nausea always happened around five or six in the damn morning and it urked him cause he could be doing something better at the time, little thing called sleeping! Much to the bluenettes displeasure he crawled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, gagging and doubling over a couple times, but made it to the toilet in time to hurl up yesterday’s food, or whatever he did eat. The sounds of coughing, gagging and the pained groans must have woken up his partner, because soon enough when he looked up he saw a tired, yet very worried, Kagami standing in the doorway, leaning on the frame with a sigh.

“Kuroko I think it’s best we take you to a doctor this has been going on for about two weeks now.” Kuroko vomited again and leaned his forehead on the cool porcelain seat of the toilet.

        Kagami kneeled down beside his lover and rubbed his back, hoping it would help calm the shorter’s stomach somehow. Once Kuroko was finished he cleaned himself up, washing his mouth and soon brushing it. Nigou was sitting by the door, whining out of worry for the bluenette. Hearing the whines the bluenette picked up the pup and scratched behind an ear.

“Hey now, I’ll be fine.” Kuroko placed his lips on top of Nigou’s head and then set him down to roam off to wherever in the apartment the two light and dark duo shared.

    Kagami came up behind the smaller and wrapped his arms around the smaller’s waist, nuzzling his nose into the soft hair.

“Come on, lets see a doctor, I’m really worried for you baby.” The maroon haired male pressed his lips to the very spot he was nuzzling.

“I don’t wanna.” Kuroko leaned his head back, leaving it on Kagami’s shoulder.

“One more week then, if this doesn’t stop im dragging you to the damn doctor, like it or not.”

“Fine.” With that the duo returned to the bedroom to try and sleep more.

    The day after was the start of the winter break, so while Kagami was out getting food for two, Kuroko was at the grocery store, he stopped when he saw the maternity isle and pregnancy tests being the thing that caught his eyes. When he thought back on the conversation he had with Midorima-kun that morning, he recalled that Midorima suggested that he might be pregnant.

“I guess it’s worth a shot.” Kuroko grabbed a couple boxes just to be sure and he made his way to the freezer section for the ice cream.

    Kuroko walked in the door to the apartment, Kagami seemed to still be out so the bluenette used this time to pack away the groceries and take the pregnancy tests to the bathroom.

“Kuroko, I’m home!” Kagami called, recieving no response he assumed Kuroko wasn’t home and began to set the table.

    Until he heard a faint sound, a sniffle? He listened once more and heard it again, noting that the bathroom light was on and door was closed. He wandered over and knocked on the door.

“Kuroko? You alright in there baby?” Silence was his answer, so he opened the door only to find an upset Kuroko, tears staining his cheeks and his eyes red and puffy from crying, “Kuroko, baby what’s wrong?” Kagami kneeled down in front of his lover and took his hands that were buried in his blue hair.

“K-Kagami, I know why I was sick those past few weeks.” Kuroko finally looked up at his light.

“What is it then?” The maroon haired male looked at the bluenette in concern.

“T-Taiga I’m p-pregnant.” He managed to say between the hiccups.

    The news took a moment to settle into Kagami’s mind, his shadow was pregnant, with his child? He smiled and pulled said male into a hug.

“Baby, I think that’s great.” He felt the smaller wrap his arms around his back, nuzzling his face into the maroon haired males shoulder.

“You’re not mad?”

“No, of course not! I’m happy to be having a child with you!” Kagami pulled back to look down at the smaller, soon pulling him closer for a kiss, “I’m here for you, thick and thin Kuroko.” He leaned down for one more kiss before pulling his lover up and to the dining room so they could eat, of course encouraging Kuroko to eat more since he is now eating for two.

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