The Nightmare

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“Come on Kuroko! Keep pushing!”

Kuroko let out another scream as he pushed, the pain being unbearable as he squeezed the taller’s hand with an incredible amount of strength. Sweat drenched his forehead from the labor of the constant pushing, he barely had the endurance for running, yet it surprised him how he was able to last so long while he was giving birth to one of their children.

“Kagami I swear when this is over I am going to kill you!” The smaller growled, sending a glare to the taller.

‘If only looks could kill, if that were the case Kagami would be on the floor bleeding from his God damn eyes!’ Kuroko thought to himself.

“J-just a little longer Kuroko and we can say ‘hello’ to our little kids!” Kagami was obviously intimidated by the smaller.

“Oh my God just shut up you fucking idiot!” Kuroko screamed again as he gave another push.

The doctor just kept quiet, minus the instruction of telling Kuroko when to breath or when to push.

“Just one more push Mr. Kuroko!”

“Hear that-?” The smaller glared at the maroon-haired male before he could finish his sentence.

The taller just closed his mouth, the smaller was in no mood for any more of what Kagami had to say or any sort of ‘comforting words’ he could offer the smaller.

As said male gave another push, a small cough could be heard along with the wailing of an infant. Kuroko gave a huff and leaned back, allowing his body to relax for the time being.

“It’s a baby girl.” The nurse piped in, taking the baby from the doctor and wrapping her in a pink blanket, before the nurse disappeared from sight, Kuroko saw a bloody red arm peek out from the blanket.

He couldn’t think of it for long before he screamed in pain again as the next child was ready for arrival.

Kuroko was laying in the bed after the final birth, his voice raspy and low from the non-stop screaming that made his throat raw, but he still talked to his lover. He was apologizing profusely about the harsh things he had said to the taller during the delivery.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. I’d probably say the same things if it was me on that bed.” Kuroko smiled ever so slightly.

He was trying his best to not pass out from the sheer exhaustion, he wanted to see his children at the same time Kagami would, name them together and just watch them for a little bit before he retired to a peaceful slumber.

He looked towards the door as two nurses rolled in with the very bundles that he brought into the world. Kagami smiled at Kuroko and took the little boy, Kuroko reaching out and holding the little girl, the blanket covered most of her, even the face but he didn’t think of it much as he pulled back the soft material, what he saw horrified him.

It didn’t even look like a human being. Or maybe it did but, there was no skin, no eyes, not even a recognizable face! It was muscle and a large cranium, the mouth opened slightly and making the same noise as an infant. When it yawned it revealed a sharpened row of teeth, the tiny arms squirming for something to grab it seemed.

“K-Kagami I-” He looked up to not see anyone beside him, the brother climbing up the side of the bed and Kuroko panicked.

He threw the sister onto the bed with a wail from the infant that turned into an ungodly and horrible screech, the two scurrying out of their blankets as he tried to get up from the bed. He soon fumbled back onto the floor, being still exhausted from giving birth to those monsterous things. He began to crawl away on the floor, scrambling to the door in fear of what the twins would do to him. He turned around as he reached the door to see one on his back and it bit into his flesh, earning a pained scream from the blue-haired male.

    Kagami awoke to the sounds of shifting and whimpering, turning over he saw Kuroko, tears streaking down his face and he looked terrified. The taller man sat up and began to shake the smaller beside him.

“Kuroko, baby wake up it’s only a nightmare!” The smaller wasn’t waking up anytime soon.

    At least he thought until said male shot straight up with a scream, Kagami made quick work and wrapped his arms around the smaller, this causing the blue-haired male to squirm and cry out in fear.

“Kuroko wake up!” Hearing this the smaller slowly opened his eyes, looking around him in confusion and soon turning to look up at Kagami, “Hey, you alright?”

    Seeing his lover, the smaller teared up more and buried his face into the taller’s chest, allowing the sobs to wrack his body. Kagami just stayed quiet and held his lover close, rubbing his back and whispering soothing words with the occasional kiss to the sweat-covered forehead.

“It’s ok, I’m here now. Nothing bad is going to happen.” Kagami repeated.

“I-I love y-you.” Kuroko said between the hiccups and sobs.

“I love you too, my shadow.” Was the last thing Kuroko heard before he succumbed to the darkness of his exhaustion.

    Noticing the other had passed out, he laid the smaller back down on the bed. He could get answers tomorrow, but for now he wanted to hold his shadow close and keep whatever was frightening the smaller away fro the rest of the night.

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