Month 5

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    Kuroko was sitting on the couch, a laptop in his lap and fingers flying across the keyboard like he was in search of something, occasionally placing a hand over his stomach in thought. Kagami observed this from the kitchen, his curiosity peaked as to what the pregnant male was doing. He placed the food on plates and called for Kuroko.

“Breakfast is ready.” He walked over and placed a kiss to his temple, “What you looking at?”

“Things for the kids, we need to start getting ready now while we have time.” Kuroko pointed to a crib, “I think this one would be cute if we have a girl.”

    This earned a smile from the taller, taking a look at the crib. It was a light and soft shade of pink with a few teddy bears around it. Overall Kagami liked it, but he still wanted to also look for a little boy’s crib as well.

“If we have a girl I think it’s perfect, but let’s look for a little boy as well.”

“Alright, but first comes food.” The smaller closed the laptop and, with help from the taller, got off the couch to move to the table to eat.

    Weeks passed and the duo were waiting in the waiting room for the doctor, they were going to finally see the genders and frankly Kagami could barely sit still. He was nervous for what the twins could be, what if it was twin girls? How would they go about teaching them through their puberty stages? That thought alone made the taller choke up, what about when they get boyfriends? What if-

“Kagami-kun stop worrying.” The taller looked at the other, “Bakagami worries too much.”

“Sorry I just want everything to turn out ok. I mean we are still in school and we are just getting by with expenses for what we need for their arrival-” Kuroko placed a kiss to the tallers lips to shut him up.

“Bakagami needs to relax, everything will be fine.”

“Kuroko Tetsuya?” Hearing the name they both left with the nurse.

“Kagami-kun, you’re slacking again!” Riko called out, “Pick up the pace!”

“Sorry coach!” With that Kagami picked up the pace, catching up to the rest of the running group.

    During practices Kagami would often space out and his performance would slack, Teppei slowed down his pace to talk to Kagami.

“Kagami you sure you’re going to be able to keep doing this? Your performance is lacking now that it’s getting closer to Kuroko’s due date. Frankly I don’t blame you but you still have a job to do here at the practices.” Kagami looked over at Teppei.

“I can do this, it’s just we recently found the gender of the twins, Kuroko says the initial shock should wear off but then we still need to prepare a room and get what we need.”

“So what are they? Couple rowdy boys?”

“No, it’s one of each, little boy and a little girl.”

“Congrats, I’m sure they will be adorable, but then again knowing it’s your kids they will be a little rowdy.” Teppei chuckled.

“Now what the hell does that mean you bastard?!”

    Kuroko watched the group run around the gym, Nigou sitting beside him while also watching Kagami run around and bicker with Teppei. The blue-haired male kept a hand over his stomach, starting to think of what his life would end up like once the kids were finally here. He heard things of course, like how you would lose some sleep the first few months and they can be quite tiresome. But he was both excited and nervous, these emotions obviously being hid behind a straight face.

        His train of thought was interrupted by an uncomfortable feeling in his swollen abdomen, it was almost painful. The pain started to grow more intense and Kuroko couldn’t help but cringe and take deep breaths. Nigou noticed and started barking and whining, this attracting attention from the entire team and the maroon-haired male also looking from Nigou to his lover, seeing him in pain he rushed over and knelt down in front of him.

“Kuroko, what’s happening? Tell me what’s wrong.” Kagami tried his best to stay calm.

“I don’t know, but it hurts!” Kuroko ground out and Kagami allowed him to grip his hand.

“Hey, take it easy.” The taller male was growing increasingly concerned.

    The smaller began to groan and whimper, his grip ever increasing and crushing the taller’s hand. Until he suddenly felt the pain wash away, he suddenly felt fear consume his heart, did something happen? Were the twins alright?

“Kuroko, are you ok?” Kagami looked over his boyfriends face, he saw the fear in his eyes, the tears forming on the corners of his eyes.

“K-Kagami, I think something’s-” He suddenly cut himself off, a surprised look on his face.


    The smaller male placed the taller’s hands over his stomach, Kagami wasn’t sure what he should be feeling for, until he did feel it, something hitting against his hand. It surprised him and he looked at Kuroko.

“They’re kicking.” Kuroko was obviously trying to not be so emotional about the whole thing, perhaps it was because he was glad they were alright.

    The news caused Kagami to grin like an idiot and kiss the swollen abdomen.

“Hey you two, nice to see you’re finally active.” The taller began cooing, this earning more kicks.

“Bakagami, stop encouraging them to kick, it hurts!” Kuroko knocked the taller on the head, of course the taller just laughed.

    The rest of the team just looked at the duo with mixed feelings, happy the two were doing alright, but they were also concerned since the duo were known for their bickering.

“I feel bad for those kids.” Riko mumbled to no one in particular.

“I think those two will be good parents, I wouldn’t worry about them too much.” Teppei added.

    Kagami soon returned to practice, doing better than normal with a sort of new determination and fire in his stomach.

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