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Chapter Sixteen

"Didn't I tell you to go home last night," Scott asks and I keep my eyes shut. I ended up sleeping on his couch again and he stands over me, I can feel him staring at me. "I'm speaking to you, idiot," he continues and then I get a light slap on my left cheek.

"Ouch," I mutter. At least Melanie or Scott were kind enough to throw a blanket over me. Scott told me to stop being an idiot and he tried to kick me out but I stayed and I slept over. It was too overwhelming, I couldn't go back to Winston or I'd seriously have a heart attack.

"Why are you still here?" Scott asks me and he groans. Can he at least give me a second to sit up before he starts slapping me again? I sit up, still holding onto the blanket and Scott sits down next to me. "So? Why didn't you go back to Winston?"

"I don't know man... I'm worried," I admit and then I have to try my best to explain it to Scott. "I've never been in a relationship and I like Winston but... What if we aren't meant to be dating? We're good as friends but that's pretty much it. And I don't even know how this is supposed to work."

Scott puts his head in his hands and groans. "God, if you do this much talking he's gonna break up with you before you even start dating." Is that supposed to be comforting? "You need to do less talking and more doing." Scott concludes and then he pats my arm. "Come on, I'm walking you back to your boyfriend. I don't trust you enough to go there by yourself."

And he does just that. After I get cleaned up and dressed, Scott leaves the apartment with me. However we don't stop to eat.

"I'm hungry," I whine to Scott and he raises an eyebrow.

"Shitty way of saying 'I'm scared to talk to Winston'," Scott says and then he puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. I feel like I'm being caged to make sure I don't run away.

By the time we get to my dorm, I could eat a whole bakery and still be hungry. Scott stops outside the door and he makes me face him by putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Listen," he says and he brushes some imaginary dust off my shoulder. "You are gonna go in there and you are gonna tell Winston how you feel. And don't... don't do that shit where you start overthinking or the poor boy is gonna get insecure."

I roll my eyes at him. As if I could do that. "Yeah, yeah. Can you go now?" I ask and Scott grins. His hands drop away from my shoulders.

"Go in. I'll wait here until I know you can't run away," he says with a raise of his eyebrows. I sigh but I know that he's... right in a way? I am terrified of getting in there and talking to Winston. I left him last night, right after I kissed him and he looked so confused. What if he's pissed at me?

"Go in," Scott adds and then he steps back. So I open the door as quietly as I can. I take a deep breath in before stepping inside. I close the door behind me and I keep my eyes fixed on him.

He's sleeping. His face is turned away from me but I see his hair all messed up, his shirt is crumbled and he's hugging his pillow. I'm so focused on him that when I walk further into the room, I trip over a belt that's hanging out of my closet. I don't fall but in order to stay upright, I grab onto the closet and make a thud with my feet as they make contact with the ground.

"Hmm?" First he looks around sleepily and then he brushes his hair away from his face. Winston notices me and he freezes. He looks... so so good. I almost forgot why he made me so nervous.

"Hey," I say. It's good to keep it casual and speak before the silence turns awkward. I don't want it to be awkward or one of us will walk out again. Probably me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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