Flu Medicine

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Chapter Fourteen

"The minute I see you I am going to smash your fucking head in you- Ughh, God! You stupid fucker! If you don't tell him how you feel right this second I am going to-"



That one voicemail from Scott was enough to convince me to go talk to him. He spends his mornings at the gym now training for baseball season so I know where to look for him.

It snowed overnight and there weren't that many people around, no one wants to go to the gym when it's below thirty degrees outside.

He's got his earphones in and he's on the treadmill but he stops it once he sees me. He rips his earphones out of his ears. "You-"

"I got the voicemail, I don't need a repeat of it," I quickly cut in and Scott rolls his eyes. Then he sees that I'm looking rather sick so he forgets all about telling me off.

I'm not getting any better and Winston is getting annoyed with me. He told me to take a day off or two just until I start feeling better but he needs to understand that I have things to do. I can't lay in bed all day.

Then Scott sighs and shakes his head at me. "He likes Alex?" he asks and I nod. I've been replaying his words in my head over and over again until I had the whole conversation memorised. Whatever, I hope Alex can make him happy.

"Does he at least know that you like him?" Scott asks and I shake my head. I don't see the point in confusing him any further. Or ruining our whole friendship. Scott glares at me and mutters something under his breath. "You two- Idiots. Both of you." He puts one of his earphones back in and he starts the treadmill again.

I don't have the energy to exercise and my muscles ache from being ill anyway. But I'm not gonna leave Scott and I really don't wanna go back to my room where Winston will probably be waiting with that disgusting flu medicine. No one wants to drink that.

I wish it could just be me and Scott and I could rant about Winston. I can't force him to like me back but I'm still annoyed that all this time I actually thought that I stood a chance. It's not his fault though. Unfortunately, our conversation gets interrupted by Alex.

"I thought I'd find you here," I hear him say and both Scott and I turn to see him enter the gym. He's smiling nervously at me. Yeah, it's really awkward after that last time.

Scott raises his eyebrows at me but Alex can't see him, he's still standing by the door and I have to leave Scott behind and walk over to Alex. "Hey," I say and Alex looks back towards the exit. I don't even know how to act around him now that I know that Winston likes him. What does he even like about him?

"Do you want to get breakfast together?" he asks and I'm surprised that he's still willing to talk to me after what happened on boxing day. I may have been so drunk that I finally got the courage to sleep with him. But then the alcohol actually did more harm than good, I was in the middle of taking his clothes off when I vomited all over the bed. It was so fucking embarrassing even though Alex told me that it was okay.

"No, I..." I say and I gesture back to Scott. Hopefully, that will be good enough of an excuse for Alex to leave me alone.

"I was actually hoping that we could talk," Alex says more confidently and I can already feel my palms sweating. "You know... About what happened?" But what's there to say?

"I don't... see this going anywhere," I say before I can change my mind and Alex frowns at me looking all confused. I sigh. "I don't see us working out." Sure, he kind of helped me figure out my sexuality but... I don't really see myself with Alex. It's better for everyone if I just end it as soon as I can.

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