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Chapter Five

Winston and I, we have some sort of silent arrangement. I do my homework when he's not around and he does his when I'm not around. It seems to work for both of us.

But today neither of us is going out and we have to do our homework together. Not together, we sit in silence on our beds and I focus on my own work while he stares at his laptop screen.

I don't dare to look up at him, wouldn't want to creep him out.

But I can't really concentrate with him in the room. It's not him, it's just the fact that he's here. I normally do my homework while laying on the floor or in a number of other uncomfortable positions. I can't do that while he's around.

I spend about fifteen minutes just staring at the blank page in front of me when there's a knock at the door. Winston looks at me and I look at him. Neither of us is expecting visitors.

"I'll get it," I say and I get off my bed. I have a feeling he's still looking at me as I walk to the door. Maybe he's hoping that it's Benny.

But it's not Benny. It's another one of my teammates.

"Hey... Can I come in?" Noah asks as he stands outside our room.

He's already apologised for vomiting on me about a billion times but things are still kinda awkward between us. It happens, we should just forget about it.

I open the door further and Winston is staring at us as walk further into the room.

"Hey," Winston says uncertainly and Noah gives him a nod in return. Winston looks at me and then he looks back at his laptop screen.

Noah looks around our room, Winston's side that's neat and organised and my side that looks like a cheap motel room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him before he can start with the small talk.

He sits down on my bed and I stand over him. Winston is staring at his laptop screen but I don't know whether he's just pretending to be busy or if he's actually focused on his work.

"Are you busy right now?" Noah askes me with a raised eyebrow and I'm not really sure what to answer.

"Kinda, yeah," I say and I point to the pile of homework he's sat beside.

"Oh," he says and he moves a little to the side so he's not sat on them. "What about in an hour? Will you be busy then?"

What the fuck is this guy on about? He starts to fidget with my duvet and he sighs.

"My girlfriend is making me go to this thing," he explains once I stare at him for long enough. "She's bringing her brother along and he really really hates me. I thought you could come with me? You know, make things less awkward."

On one hand, I'd get out of having to do homework. I'm not even doing it anyway, not with Winston around. But on the other hand, why on earth would I go with Noah and his girlfriend? I was just hoping to go to bed early.

I sigh and I run my hand through my hair. "I don't know man..."

But Noah's looking at me with hopeful eyes, he's been standing up for me ever since we met. It would be nice to return the favour for once.

"Just this once?" Noah says and he looks at Winston. "Please? Come on, help me convince him, man."

I turn around to look at Winston and he shrugs awkwardly unsure of what to do. "Go if you want."

If I want. I don't know what I want. I have no idea what I want. I'd love it if someone told me what to do.

"I'll owe you one," Noah says and he doesn't have to know that I already made my mind up.

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