Put It Together

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Chapter Ten

Turns out I can't even get hard for a guy now.

"You don't have to leave," Alex tells me as he props himself up on his elbows. "You could stay the night."

For what? To embarrass myself even more? I look around for my shirt, I have my jeans and shoes on I just need my shirt and then I'm gone.

I shouldn't have come back to Alex's place but I did it anyway. But he wanted me too. After I kissed him back and he slid his hand onto my knee, he wanted me to come back to his place. And I did because I'm going to be honest, I liked the kiss.

"You know I'm not kicking you out," Alex says and he's handing me my shirt that he found under the covers. "You can stay if you want to."

Like I said, there's nothing to stay for.

"Thanks but..." I say and I pull the shirt over my head. Alex hasn't done anything wrong, I haven't done anything wrong, Winston hasn't done anything wrong except be stupid. I just need a minute to calm down.

Alex stares at me as I stand fully dressed in front of him. I thought I was going to fuck him... But even my own cock knew that wasn't going to solve anything.

Alex doesn't seem upset though, he doesn't make this into a big deal. "So I'll see you later?"

"Sure," I say before walking out of the room and leaving him naked under the covers.


It's almost 1 am when I come back to our dorm room. I know that there's probably some rule about being out this late but I lost track of time. I just wandered around town wondering what the hell to do now.

I can't stay mad at Winston forever and I still have to live with him. If he wants to keep on running back to Benny then who am I to interfere? If that's what he wants then that's fine, I can't punish him for having shitty taste in guys.

Winston is surprisingly still awake when I get home. I was hoping I wouldn't have to talk to him until morning but he's already turning his lamp on and sitting up. He must have fallen asleep at some point in the night because his hair is a mess and he looks like he's just woken up from a very deep sleep.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" he asks me raspily as I take my shoes off by the door. He's still trying to make conversation even after how I treated him. Maybe it's just his thing to forgive people for all the shitty things they do to him.

I just shrug as I walk to my bed. "Didn't really pay attention to it."

"Oh," Winston says quietly and he absentmindedly cards his fingers through his messy curls. I can tell that he's thinking about something because his eyebrows furrow like he's deep in thought. "And Alex? Did he enjoy the movie?"

Maybe he's trying to figure out if I was bluffing or if I really did go with Alex. I shrug again as I sit down on my bed. "Don't think he paid much attention either."

So we went to see a movie together, neither of us paid attention to the movie and then I come back home at one in the morning. He's a big boy, he can figure out what happened.

I need to get changed for bed, I find my clothes crumpled up somewhere under the duvet and I start taking my shirt off.

"Monty?" Winston asks uncertainty because he's still unsure how this is supposed to work. Me neither.

Ignoring him won't help solve anything. "Hmm?"

I pull the shirt that I sleep in over my head and then I put my arms in the sleeves as Winston watches me. He sighs and looks away. "Are you upset because... I got back with Benny?"

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