It Left A Mark

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Chapter Nine

I hate how quickly time has passed. Winston's fever is a distant memory and our conversation itself feels like a fever dream. It's best to just forget about it.

School closes for Thanksgiving tomorrow and Winston will be flying out to see his parents. Me? I've got no family to see.

It's getting easier to talk to Winston now that he's not spending so much time with Benny. I know Benny's been texting him but I've never see Winston reply. I can tell he wants to though.

After practice or after a game, Benny always stares at me like he's considering going up to me and asking how Winston is doing. I'm glad he's only considering. There's a limit to how long I can control myself for.

Winston is out buying gifts for his parents, or at least that's what he told me. I have been keeping an eye on Winston, trying to work out if he's spoken or seen Benny yet. I don't think he has.

That's good. He just needs to distance himself away from Benny. He's got me instead.

So Winston isn't home and he might not be back for a while. So I'm testing something out. When Alex... He was able to get me hard. Not completely hard, but you know, it was an advancement. I haven't smoked weed in a while so I think that might be it, maybe I can finally get hard.

There's a girl on top of me. I think her name is Lou, she's roommates with that med student Ani. I've seen her around a few times and we've said 'hi' to each other a few times but we've never really spoken.

And now she's on top of me, kissing me, pulling at my hair. I'm just praying that my dick will get hard and I can finally stop walking around like a sad little virgin.

Her hand travels down my chest and it stops right above my cock. Nope, still soft. She starts grinding against me obviously thinking that maybe I just need a little more encouragement. I hope so. Because if I don't get hard from a girl...

She bits down on my lip and I just... I don't feel anything except for a little pain. Fuck, why is nothing happening?

"So I bumped into Noah in the-"

I pull away from the girl and throw her off of me like I've been burnt at the sound of Winston's voice. She lands on the bed by my side with a loud thud and Winston stare at us from the open doorway. He's got two grocery bags in one hand and his other hand is holding onto the door as if to close it. But he's frozen in place staring at us and not knowing what to do.

"Oh, I'm," he says and he takes a step back to leave the room but I quickly sit up.

"No, it's fine," I say and the girl rolls her eyes. "She was just leaving anyway."

At least he saved me from the awkward part of having to explain to her why I can't get hard. Lou glares at me as she slides off the bed and I look away. I keep my eyes on the floor until I hear the door shut.

"Nice timing," I tell Winston as he puts his bags down next to his bed. It really was nice timing. But I can't help but think, if he hadn't walked it, would I have gotten hard? Maybe a few more seconds would have done it for me.

"Yeah... sorry I-" he says as he sits down on his bed and then he stops abruptly and stares at me.


"Nothing, you just..." he says and he points to his lips. "You've got something on your lips."

"Oh." I rub my lips with the back of my hand and I look up at him as if to ask if it looks fine now. Winston smiles and shakes his head.

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