Honest Work

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Chapter Four

I cannot believe I took maths as one of my classes.

In high school, maths was a tolerable subject. People said they hated it but I didn't mind it, it made sense when the numbers added up and gave you an answer.

But this isn't high school. This is harder than I thought it would be. I have to sit in my room and actually concentrate on doing my work. Normally I would just ask Estela for help, but there's no one around to help me. It's just me.

Winston went out about half an hour ago. He said something about a movie and Benny and then left me on my own. I wonder what excuse Benny used on his girlfriend.

I'm laying down on my bed, the maths book covering my face like I'm trying to absorb the information and then I hear the key in the door.

It can't be Winston, he's supposed to be at the movie theatre. I quickly sit up and I try to act like I've been studying all along in case its the RA.

But it's Winston.

I stare at him as he walks inside and he throws his keys onto his desk. The bruises on his face still haven't completely vanished so whenever I see him, he just looks so drained.

"What are you doing?" I ask him as I watch him take his shoes off. What is he doing back so early? Did he find out about the girlfriend?

He sighs and he runs his hands down his face. "Benny cancelled."

He starts to take his coat off and I raise an eyebrow. He cancelled on him? I remember how excited he was when he told me that he was going out, how nervous he looked as he tried to sort his hair out in the mirror. All that just to get cancelled on.

"Sorry to hear that," I say because I feel like I should apologise. He must be upset, but he just doesn't show it.

"It's fine," he tells me and he tries to smile at me and then he looks in the mirror he hung above his desk and he sighs. He really is upset.

"I could go with you," I say and he turns around and stares at me.


Okay so I may not like the movie and I'm not even friends with Winston, but going to the movie theatre sounds much better than doing my maths homework. And it could help to put him in a good mood.

I slowly stand up from my bed and he still watches me but a small smile starts to form on his lips. "Are you... Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to if-"

"What else am I gonna do?" I ask him as I reach for my jacket that's hanging on the pegs on the door. He stares at me as I put my jacket on and I sigh. "Come on, I really don't feel like doing maths all day."

He looks convinced knowing that I'm not just doing this for him and he nods. "Okay."

If Benny can't, I can.


We had to take an Uber to the movie theatre and we were still late for the movie. Winston didn't seem to mind.

The movie theatre is almost empty, there's a couple sitting right at the back and a group of teenage boys in the front. We sit in the middle.

We've only been here for about fifteen minutes but I can already tell that I'm not a fan of this movie. Some guy trying to clone himself so he can lead a double life without anyone finding out. Not something I'm interested in.

"Do you want me to get you something?" I ask Winston as I start to stand up to get some popcorn or something for us. Anything not to have to watch this movie.

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