For Him

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Chapter Seven

Another day at work. Haley took a day off or something so working without seeing her at the till has been extremely painful.

Al least I had Jessica left. Whenever a customer was getting rude, I just went back into the kitchen where Jess was helping prepare the meals and she listened while I ranted to her.

We left together. She could have been home a long time ago but she waited for me to finish my part and then she walked out with me.

She asked if I could wait with her in the parking lot, some guys were hanging around close by and Jess looked uneasy so I agreed.

"Who's picking you up?" I ask in an attempt to make small talk.

Jess yawns and covers her mouth with one hand. "My girlfriend."

Girlfriend? God, why do I attract all the homos? I softly chuckle to myself and Jess doesn't seem to care.

"If you want we can give you a ride to campus," Jess then tells me and I think about it. Winston has been spending much more time with Benny over the past week or so. There's nothing to go home to and I don't feel like sleeping.

"Can I got a ride to somewhere else?" I ask and Jess nods.



I never understood why he gave me his address but it seems to come in handy now.

He looks shocked when he opens the door and sees me standing there. He's got his own apartment just like Scott but this one is much nicer than anything Scott will ever be able to afford.

Hey..." Alex says and he stares at me from the doorway. "Do you... wanna come in?"

I have no idea what the hell I'm doing at his apartment but... I don't wanna go back to my dorm room and Scott's probably out... None of that matters anyway, I'm standing in Alex's apartment now.

I follow Alex into the living room. It's quite a big room with two couches, a coffee table and a lot of bookshelves. It's not organised though, it looks like a mess. The books are just crowding the bookshelves becuase they have nowhere else to be. There's a pair of jeans laying on the couch and a shirt laying on the floor. There are three old coffee mugs on the coffee table and Alex quickly swoops them up in his hands.

"Sit down, I'll get you something to drink," Alex says before disappearing into the kitchen with the dirty mugs.

I do as he tells me and I continue analysing the room. Winston would never let this apartment get this messy. God knows how many times he's told me off for even making the tiniest mess like leaving a dirty sock under my bed. Alex clearly doesn't care about this place as much as Winston would.

What am I doing here? I just... I don't feel like being around Winston right now. Since he told me about his feelings for Benny, I feel uncomfortable every time I see him. I don't know what happened but I don't like seeing him anymore.

Alex comes out of the kitchen with two fresh cups of coffee and he sits down next to me. Very close to me.

"How do you take yours? Black with two sugars, right?" Alex asks and he studies my face for approval. No, I actually fucking hate coffee but I got one that one time after practice because I was tired as hell. Alex was walking past as I was ordering my coffee in the cafeteria and I stopped to say hi. I completely forgot about it until now.

"Right," I say and then I lean back in the couch not even considering to drink the coffee. Alex reaches for the mug closer to him and he watches me nervously.

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