Chapter Six

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When we got closer we stood on the main deck, Cas looking through a telescope he then handed it to me, so that I could have a closer look as well.

"The Lone Islands. the port of Narrowhaven" Drinian declared

"How strange not a Narnian flag in site" i looked all over but couldn't find any. i passed it on

"but The Lone Islands have alway's been Narnia's, Izzy is the Empress" Edmund replied of my title that I was bestowed long ago.

"it seems suspicious" Drinian stated

"I say we prepare a landing party. Drinian?" i bit my lip i guessed that seen as Peter wasn't here he would be taking the role of High King.

"Forgive me your majesty but the chain of command starts with King Caspian and Queen Belle on this ship" my closest and dearest  friends who still wanted to maintain the respect of someone lower than us Yet still wanted to be friends referred to me as Queen Belle.

"Right." he replied

"we'll use the long boats Drinian prepare some men to come ashore. Tavros" Caspian ordered i grabbed my brothers arm as Tavors declared what to do.

"Ed i hope you won't take offence but Drinian is very serious about it. He means no disrespect." I tried to soothe the feelings he must be having right now.

"its fine sister. besides you live here and are still older than me as well as High Queen" he replied with a small smile but I can see it still stung that even without Peter he was still under someone else.

"Ed i know you feel you have the right to assume High King. which you do and you are its just.." I try but he cuts me off

"Izzy i'm fine. just as long as he doesn't boss me around like Pete did" i gave him a weak smile as he left.

"Belle i suggest you use your sisters bow and arrows. We have no idea what we're going to find" i nodded and went to retrieve them.

"why are you using them" Lu asked i sat in the boat with her.

"Long story i'll tell you later" the men rowed us into the port

"Onward the thrill of the unknown lies ahead" Reep stated as we approached

"couldn't this wait till the morning" Eustace asked

"there is no honour in turning away from adventure lad" Reep replied to my cousin.

"Listen" i sushed there was nothing but complete silence

"where is everyone?"  Lu wondered. we headed up the steps and i looked back Eustace and falling while coming of the boat.

"you're certain he's related by blood?" Caspian asked us

"do not even start Caspian" i rolled my eyes walking past him taking the bow and a arrow. It was quiet as i looked around. The bell tolled and i jumped a little aiming the arrow ready to shoot but it was only birds .

"Reepicheep. stay here with Drinian's men. we'll head on if were not back by dawn send a party" Caspian ordered them

"yes your majesty" i lead the way as i had been here may times although it was a little different. i led them to the square where the town hall resided.

"Yeah it looks like no one's in do you think we should head back" i turned and glared at the little git

"do you want to guard something" Edmund suggested

"Yes  good idea cousin. very um...Logical" he came running over as i went to open the doors he just stood there. Cas handed him and knife

"I've got it, i've got it. Don't worry" i gave my family a really look and then opened the doors. It was dark and looked like it hadn't been taken care of in years.

"i'm ready to go when you are" Eustace called . We made our way to thee middle which had a open book

"who are all these people" Lu wondered

"and why have these been crossed out?" i looked at them and they looked like fee's. slave traders i thought

"looks like some kind of fee" Lu noticed

"Slave traders" Cas and I stated. the bells rung and men yelled as they came down the i went into action and started firing arrows the hut them when the came close i was stopped by a scream. It was Eustace.

"Unless you want to here this one squeal like a girl again. I'd say you should drop your weapons" the man holding my cousin stated.

"like a girl?" Eustace questioned insulted, to be fair the man wasn't wrong but again just a thought and it was not helpful in this situation.

"now" i huffed and placed down the bow and arrows

"Put them in Irons" the man ordered

"Get your hands off me" i struggled and fought

"let's take these three to market send those two to the dungeons" the leader ordered and Lucy and I were shackled.

"listen to me you insolent fool! We are you King and Queen she is your Empress" Caspian shouted

"your going to pay for that" Edmund sneered

"actually some one else is going to pay for all of you" i was dragged out of the building. kicking and screaming

"Caspian! Edmund!" i yelled

"Edmund!" Lu did the say

"Belle, Lucy!" they yelled back. We were taken outside and chained to a wall. the three of us were left and the sun began to set. When everyone fell asleep Lucy decided to talk.

"what happened? you seemed changed ?" she asked i looked down

"not long after you left it would have been Ed's birthday. i had taken to riding out alone to places that reminded me of you. Just to think and remember, For some daft reason i went to where the witches castle once stood and just thought. I was so deep in thinking i didn't hear someone come up behind me. Narnia was supposed to be at peace but there had been black dwarfs hidden near where the ice structure stood.

They attacked me leaving me no time to take of my chain and defend my self. I had always been the peace keeper. Never going to war i knew nothing else but my chain. I thought i would be fine enough to leave my dagger on my saddle. They had heard of my return and wanted to seek vengeance for their mistress. i had enough strength and time to grab a ruin and slam it on the ground. the roots from trees attacked and killed them but i was near enough gone. The last thing i remember is asking for your cordial.

I woke up days later all my injuries healed and not a scratch. Caspian was furious he said that if i was to ride out again i was to have several guards with me. He had to do something so he trained me how to shoot from a crossbow, how to use a bow and arrow, sword, dagger, hand to hand combat. i was never to be that defenceless again. It changed me, i thought i was going to die that day and i felt as if i was given a second chance. I wouldn't waist it, of course i still prefer peace over war but i'm not niaeve anymore." i Explained

"oh Iz i'm so sorry"

"its okay. i'm fine with it Susan left me her bow and arrows saying i could use them."

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