Chapter Sixteen

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We spoke often of Narnia and Isabelle in the days that followed. And when my cousins left...after the war ended i missed them with all my heart. As i know all Narnian's will miss them and As i know their Big sister will miss them more and till the end of time.


"Aslan" i looked to the great lion.

"please protect them" I asked of him. He bowed his head to me.

"i will dear one. I will " i went and hugged him before taking Caspian's hand and going back to the boat.

"when we get back to the ship i need to say something to everyone" he nodded. We rowed back and was lifted up.

"Drinian gather the man on deck" i ordered

"yes your majesty...All men on deck! All men on deck" I went up the stairs and watched every one gather.

"As you will have noticed out of six that left this ship only I and King Caspian have returned." i began "My brother and Sister along with my cousin have return to their world and are never to return. As for Reepicheep." i took a deep breath

"Our dear friend and most noble and brave knight of Narnia had given up his sword for his dream of seeing Aslan's country. He will be missed, In this light i suggest a 1 minutes silence for the departures and a salute for A knight of Narnia."

"All Salute" Drinian shouted i held my hand to my head and silence rang through out. Once the minute was over i turned to Drinian.

"Captian and I  have three Lords to pick up. Set course for Ramandu's Island "I declare, he bowed to me

"Yes your majesty" i walked away from the deck and out to the back of the state room.

"that was very noble what you did" he rubbed my arms.

"look at me i'm supposed to be happy. We're having a child and all i can do is cry" I croaked wiping away my tears

"you have every reason to cry my love." i places his arms around me bringing me into an embrace

"what would i do without you" i asked

"let us not think of such things. But of the future" he told me

"yes but not now. I will stay here for a few days and let everything soak in"

"of course. Why don't you get some sleep?" he suggested

"only if you stay with me?"

"always" i went over to the bed and he lifted the covers up with his soft smile i feel into sleep


-10 Months later-

I screamed in pain as the midwifes told me to push. Why, well wasn't it obvious I was giving birth.

"one more push your majesty" she urged and i did i gave it all i got until i heard little screams. I breathed a sigh of relief, the midwife handed me my baby and i pulled away the cloth it was a boy. i smiled as i hugged my son.

"thank Aslan" i breathed. They tided me up as a nurse went to tell the King. Once she was finished, Caspian was let in to see me. He had a bright smile on his face he came over and kissed me and our son's head.

"I love you" he whispered

"that's good cause i just gave you a boy" i snuggled into his warmth. Fireworks were set off

"A son! Ason! Queen Isabelle has this night given King Caspian a son" It was announced

"what are we going to name him" Caspian asked

"i  you wouldn't mind i want to name him Alexander"

"Alexander is great" i laughed

"In my old world there was a man who lived long ago called Alexander the Great. But actually it's my father's name" he smiled

"Prince Alexander" we looked down at our sleeping son and smiled

that is it oh my gosh i cried the last few chapters. i hope you like it its 11.35 PM  when i finish and i've done 1 book in 24 hours no lie its a record for me. Bye. No wait there is one more chapter just wait here.....

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