Chapter Seven

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The next morning i was woken up by screaming. a cart was being pulled with people on it. A man who i presumed was chasing for his wife and a girl chasing her Mum. They were knocked back and the cart left. not long after we were unchained and taken to a stage.

"okay first up we have this fine young thing" i was pulled up

"get you hands off me i'm your Queen and Empress" i growled

"ain't she pretty lets start the bidding of a  100" some one put their hand up it went back and forth till it reached 300.

"sold" i had a board put on me the said sold and was carried off the stage. This was humiliating and annoying, there had to be something we could to to get out of this, if only the others were here.

"Caspian! Edmund!" i thrashed about trying to get free, I had to try either way, but I had no success.

"chain her ankles for now" someone ordered and my ankles were chained after I was put down.

" now we have a right one here gentlemen whats your bid" they started to bid on my sister, poor Lucy was scared and I couldn't figure out a way to protect her.




"any more bids" no one said anything and Lucy was moved over to me i looked around glaring when i noticed familiar blue cloaks. i smiled and nudged Lucy then nodded over to them. I watched them as Eustace went up

"okay someone make a bid"

"i'll take them off your hands. I'll take them all of your hands" Reep stood on Drinian's shoulder followed by the rest. they started fighting.

"Reep we need your blade" i called Reep turned and finished the trader before jumping onto the table. he freed Lucy's then my wrists and went to my feet.

"thanks Reep i'd knew yu come" Lu grinned

"thank later fight now sis" i took of my chain and whipped it around taking two men down. i rand and kicked one and bounced of him swinging my legs out and using my chain. I kept fighting and saw Caspian come down. The towns people also began to fight

"Hello love" i smiled

"Hello" i used my chain and fought again before everyone was down. The people cheered in gratitude and joy as we collected our things. We gave everyone money before leaving.

"Your majesties, Your Majesties" Caspian went to draw his sword and a man was hold back by Drinian.

"my wife was taken just this morning" i felt sorry for him as recognition ran through my head

"It's alright Drinian" he left go and the man joined us and we walked

"i beg you take me with you . i'm a fine sailor been on the seas my whole life" he pleased the girl tried to pull him away.

"I want to come" The little girl insisted pulling on her fathers clothing. He turned and crouched down to her, to speak.

"no Gael stay with your aunt"  he told her then stood back up and turned back to us waiting for an answer. Caspian shared a look with me and I nodded in agreement.

"of course you must" Cas granted and we walked away. we neared the boats when some one shouted

"my king, my king" an old gangly man called running over to join us.

"Is he one of the Lords i asked my brother he nodded

"Lord Rhoop"

"this was given to me by your father i've kept it safe in a cave all these years." it was a sword which had been covered in coral. I recognised it immediately, it was all to familiar

"that's a old Narnian sword" Edmund stated

"it is from your golden age. there are seven such swords, gifts from Aslan to protect Narnia. your father entrusted them to us, here take it. and may it protect you" he held it out and Cas paused before taking it.

"thank you my lord and we shall find your lost citizens."  he nodded

"might i say one thing before you leave" we looked back.

"your father would have been proud. not only what you've done to protect Narnia but also of your Queen" Caspian looked to me with proud written all of his face.

"thank you my lord for such kind words" I curtsied to him he bowed in reply. Caspian took my hand and left.

"Edmund" he stopped and Cas handed the old Narnian sword to him which he accepted. Back on the ship we caught some much needed sleep. Since Lu and Edmund came aboard he had given up his place to sleep down in the belly. So shared with Lucy which i didn't mind it was weird through for a bit.

"Here Lucy" you can alter some of my things to fit you if you like

"are you sure?"

"yes if i run out of clean clothes i'll just steal some Caspian's " i shrugged she laughed

"won't he mind"

"he never minds he either finds it amusing or well the other thing." i shrugged

"what's your relationship with Caspian like"  she asked and i turned round

"never a dull moment. He's protective but still gives me freedom to do as i wish. We both flirt ridiculously too much but its entertainment for everyone else. Especially when i get the side of his waist like i did after the wedding" i grinned

"i can tell he loves you very much" i smiled thoughtfully

"i love him just as he does me.  Do you want to see us duel its quite fun" I wonder, it had been a while since we had and I thought it was a good idea.

"you duel" i nod

"for fun now keeps my training up sometimes i win we've done it a couple of times.  At first the men were shocked their King and Queen fought but once they knew it was all in good fun they enjoyed it." i took her hand

"come on" i grinned and took her out on deck i looked around for Caspian. He was on the poop deck with Drinian.

"Oh Caspian" i sang he looked down to me

"come and play My King" i smirked taking out my sword and swinging it in my hand.

"you really want to do this again you know i always win." he chuckled coming down holding his sword.

"humm not always" i took my place and the men stopped to watch. he sighed smiling

"if you insist" he ready himself. then attacked first i blocked and moved. The duel began as i moved gracefully around. i whacked his bum.

"very nice" i laughed

"you would know" i lunged and danced to the starboard side. i grabbed one of the ropes and swung my self round coming towards Caspian he dropped his sword to catch me.

"mm my hero" he grinned about to kiss me but i hold my blade to his throat.

"but you lose " the men clapped he dropped me to the ground still smiling as i put away my blade

"very good who taught you?" he fake wondered, i smirked.

"my husband you might have met him tall and handsome. He's the king"

"King of your heart, he must be lucky"

"i would say so" he took my hand and pulled me in for a kiss. the crew men wold whistled. i pulled away

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