Chapter Eleven

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The next morning the sea was calmer  and we spotted land. I went to dress and told Lucy what happened last night.

"How did he take the news" Sh wondered biting her nail nervously.

"i don't know how to explain because we're not sure if I am or if I will be if we survive this. He did call me stupid for my reasoning. To him, me  and the possible one inside me is more important than this quest" I told her, he posture melted when she heard

"that is so romantic" She cooed

"oh Lucy" i shook my head then pinned my hair up in a bun leaving a few strands to curl them selves. We sat in the Long boat Lucy guiding this time  and we approached the land.

"I doubt the lords would have come here my liege there no sign of anything living" Reep stated as we looked out onto the seemingly barren land before us. I doubted to but maybe they did and left a clue for us or any sign that they had stopped here. Besides we needed to at least attempt to find some more supplies, though the chances were slim.

"Right, well once we get ashore take your men and search for food and water. The four of us will look for clues" Capian stated to the mouse who nodded.

"Hang on you mean the five of us" we all looked at Eustace "come on please don't send me back to the rat" he huffed in annoyance

"i heard that" Reep told him, Eustace muttered something else but I didn't catch what he ha said. "i heard that too" we chuckled and pulled ashore. The four of us went searching

"look  were not the first one's on this island" Caspian found a rope tied to a large rock

"the lord's?" Edmund asked

"could be" he grabbed a small rock and threw it down we heard the loud sound of it dropping, not that big drop then.

"what do you think could be down there?" Caspian wondered turning his attention to me. I personally had no idea but i was chomping at the bit to find out.

"lets find out" i grinned and went to go down. My husband stopped me in my tracks before i could do anything else.


"Caspian" i warned, not in the mood, it not like this was dangerous and I had been in dangerous situations, living my life was the main one.

"Belle, you could be possibly carrying my child" he protested, i understood but I still wasn't having any of it.

"yes and i'm treating it as such. Look right now it seems harmless if it turns out to be dangerous i'll leave and go help Reep but i'm not going to be afraid of every little thing. I need you to trust me on this" he looked at my brother and sister

"fine. first sign of danger and you leave" i grin

"course, love." i climbed down first followed by Edmund. We walked through the cave and came to a  pool which had some sort of statue immersed in it. How bizarre.

"what's that?" Caspian asked joining us

"we don't know some sort of gold statue" Ed replied he broke of a branch and went to touch the statue but it began to turn into gold he dropped it.

"he must have fallen in" Caspian knelt down beside the pool of gold turning water.

"poor man" Lu said

"you mean poor lord" Ed replied and i saw the shield. Well I guess that answers the question to if they stopped here. I wonder if there were more Lords on the island.

"the crest of Lord Retinsmor" Caspian confirmed

"and his sword" i pointed. Ed took his out and used it to retrieve the one submerged, he did pulling it out and i caught it before it could drop back in.

"your sword hasn't turned to gold" Lu pointed out

"they're magical" Caspian replied

"he mustn't have know what him" i commented feeling sorry for the Lord. To think he could have been a simple passerby coming to scout for any signs of life or food for that matter just like we were

"maybe or maybe he was onto something" Ed grabbed a shell and dipped it in the water.

"what are you on about?" Caspian asked. The shell turned to gold and Ed looked at us with a scary sparkle in his eye. I had a bad feeling about where he was going with this.

"whoever has access to this pool could be the most powerful person in the world" he suggested and yep that feeling was becoming more worse, by the second.

"Edmund put it down and walk away" i told him now feeling scared. but my brother did not acknowledge my words he turned to Lucy.

"Lucy we'd be so rich no one could tell us what to do or who to live with." he stated and I took a step back.

"Edmund your scaring me" i told him Caspian put a hand on my shoulder

"Edmund you can't take anything out of Narnia" Cas informed him

"says who" he scoffed mesmerised by the gold shell that he had turned.

"says me" Edmund turned to him with a look i never seen before. Ed picked up his sword and Caspian moved me behind him.

"i'm not your subject" Ed sneered

"you've been waiting for this haven't you. to challenge me you doubt my leadership" Caspian turned to face my brother.

"you doubt yourself" he retorted

"your a child" Caspian seethed at my brother. His hand twitched next to his blade, debating whether to draw it of not.

"and your a spineless sap" my brother retorted.

"Edmund" "Caspian" me and Lucy tried to stop this but we were pushed back, out of the way of the bubbling fight between the two.

"i'm tired of playing second fiddle first it was Peter now its you, you know i'm braver than both of you. Why do you get Peter's sword. I deserve a kingdom of my own i deserve to rule" he was not the brother i knew he had been tempted and was falling for it.

"If you think you're so brave prove it!" Caspian challenged removing is sword the causing it to clash against my brothers. As they drew  Lucy and stood in the middle.

"stop it!" Lucy said

"both of you" i added and it went back and forth between us

"look at yourselves" Lucy continued to scold them and then I took over having enough of both of them and how they were reacting.

"can't you see what's happening?" I questioned as our words slowly sunk in.

"this place has tempted you" Lucy added

"its bewitching you"

"this is exactly what Coriakin was talking about" I watched at the two of them snapped out of it and stepped back. I breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed slightly

"lets just get out of here" Me and Lucy left  climbing up rope  and heading back to the boats. I was mildly annoyed at what had just transpired.

"what did you find" Caspian asks

"its volcanic your majesty not much grows"  Drinian states as what little they had found was being loaded up onto the long boats.

"where's Eustace" Lucy asks

"i believe he's out not helping  load the boats" Reep replied.

"Edmund, Isabelle i have a bad feeling" She turned to us looking scared. It practically radiated off her.

"i'll go look for him" Edmund walked

"i will too" they both left Caspian handed me the second sword. I got on the boat with the supplies.

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