Chapter One

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Just a quick note I do not own Chronicles of Narnia it belongs to C S Lewis and i only own Isabelle.

Welcome to the third book of the Fifth Pevensie i hoped you have like joining Isabelle on her journey. I'm afraid in this book it will come to a end . Anyway this covers some events before Voyage of the Dawn Treader and just before pick Lucy, Edmund and Eustace. A chapter will be posted every Thursday.

Cair Paravel was restored to its former gloary. Caspian and i stood outside with Caspian and both Narnian's and Telmarines alike.I turned round to face them all.

"thirteen hundred years ago i arrived here with my brothes and sisters. Cair Paravel had stood here for 100 years as a beacon of hope and light. For a year both Narnian's and Telmarines alike helped me restore what was destoryed. I hope it will serves as a reminder of good times that have passed and hold memories of good things to come. Which is why King Caspian and I will hold our wedding Celebrations here to mark the dawn of a new age." the citizens clapped and cheered

"to the Narnian's who know of the old tale i have made but one change. for the new golden age a Sixth throne has been added to mark the day of our marriage" Narnian's cheered in acceptence

"This is a castle now of remberance. If you fall upon dark time and need guidence do not be afraid to come here and speak with Aslan like i myself have done many of time. It is open to all who reat it well. Even though the interos have yet to be finished the bulding is finished and for that and the completion of Welcoming Old Narnia to New Narnia we hold festivaties back in Telmar! And on the Day of Our marriage Cair Paravel will be open for all!" everyone cheered as we filed through to our horses and back to the castle for celbrations.

As servents and maids decoreded the castle i walked through the garden looking at my ring. For a few weeks now i had hope i could ask something of Aslan.

"i wish i could speak with you Aslan" i muttered knowing that it would fall on deaf ears. he only came at time of great need or so i thought.

"you asked for me dear one" i turned round quickly

"Aslan" i grinned running up to him and hugging him. he chuckled

"i thought you wouldn't come. I thought you only came when there was a great need" i told him

"you seemed troubled and in need of my help. What is it you wanted to ask me?" i sigheed at sat down on a bench.

"I'm sure you know that Caspian and I are to marry in three months"

"i am aware yes"

"Well i know you said they learnt all from this world and wouldn't be able to come back. But i was hoping that you would make a excpetion this one time. I don't think i could make it if Peter wasn't by my side well all of them in fact. I wanted to ask you if it would be possible ...well to bring my brothers and sister back...just for the wedding and celebrattions"

"For your siblings to come thhrough is a natural Narnia occurance. the first time you were all the right age and Narnia was in need of your help. The second you were called to help Caspian" he stated

"i know and when Lucy and Ed return for their final time there will be something we have to overcome. I also know it is a lot to ask for but please. It would mean the world for me to share it with them . Please Aslan"

"You have over come many thing in your life here in Narnia. For that i will see what a can do" i grinned and hugged him once again.

"Thank you Aslan that is all i can ask for" i pulled away.

"i hope to see you soon" I bowed to him and he inclined his head and walked away dissapering in the distance. I grinned and ran through the halls to find my future husband.

"Caspian?! Caspian!? Where are you?" Caspian came rushing out of a door.

"what is it? what's wrong?" he asked looking me up and down.

"wrong nothing is wrong everything is right. in three months i'm marrying you and if we have any luck at all i will also be able to share it with my family." i grinned

"you've lost me"

"i just spoke to Aslan. I asked him to break rule once and allow my brothers and sister to return to Narnia for our wedding" he smiled

"that is great news"

"i just have to wait and hope luck will be on our side but i'm sure Aslan will grace us with such a gift"

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