Chapter Fourteen

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"so, what do you think is in there?" Tavros wondered out loud as we stared and the vast darkness with only the outline of the island showing.

"Our Worst nightmares" Edmund spoke first what he thought of.

"Our Darkest wishes" Caspian added

"Pure Evil" Drinian continued  "Tavros open the armoury " he ordered

"my lord" he replied

"Archers! Prepare yourselves" Drinian ordered

"light the lanterns. " Tvros added

"Lets get ready" we all headed to get ready but Caspian pulled me a side. I knew what was coming but let him speak anyway.

"is there any point asking you not to be apart of this." he questioned me

"no but i will say this if at any point you think its to dangerous for me to be on deck i give you full permission to take my hand and put me in the state room till its all over." I answer which seemed to settle him

"you might regret you said that" i smiled and pulled him close

"no matter what happens here Caspian. i love you and Narnia loves you" he breathed and pulled me in for a kiss.

"how did i become so lucky" i smiled

"i wouldn't  say i was lucky" I reply

"you and i have different versions of luck then" i chuckled and gave him a quick kiss.

"i will see you in a bit."i went to grab my sword, Susan's bow and arrows and my dagger. I then went and stood on deck behind Caspian as he gave a speech to his men

"No matter what happens here every soul who stands before me has earned their place on the crew of the Dawn Treader. Together we have traveled far. Together we have faced adversity. Together we can do it again. So now is not the time to fall to fear's temptations. Be strong, never give in. Our world,our Narnian lives depend on it. Think of the lost souls we are here to save. Think of Aslan, Think of Narnia" he spoke i was so proud of him

"For Narnia!" Drinian shouted and the crew shouted it as well

"For Narnia!" i yelled.

We sailed into the fog and the green mist began to  surrounded us.

"i can't see a thing this fog's to thick" Drinian told us.

"Belle...Belle" i saw the mist turn into Peter. "You left me Belle. You left me to be with him? I loved you and you abandoned me"  he spoke and i felt my stomach twist and churn

"i'm sorry. it wasn't my choice" i backed away and bumped into Caspian

"Belle are you okay" i gasped and nodded not telling him of what I saw, trust my darkest fear would take the form of my twin brother.

"umhum" we heard yelling in the distance it got louder.

"Keep Away! Keep Away!" it called

"who's there" Ed called back

"we do not fear you" Caspian added

"Nor i you!" it replied. Ed grabbed his torch and shined it out. It fell on a man who was practically half naked.

"Keep Away!" he shouted

"we will not leave" Caspian replied

"you will not defeat me" he shouted

2"Caspian, Caspian his sword" Edmund called and Cas moved closer and squinted to see.

"Lord Rhoop" he called finally recognising him

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