Chapter Eight

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I sat on the ledge of the poop deck when i saw Eustace come stumbling out. Reep ran along the sides .

"trying to run away" he swung onto tank "were on a boat you know" he took out his sword. I wonder what's going on. I went a little closer to watch the events unfold

"that was for stealing" he cut his shirt  "that was for lying" he took a orange "and that was for good measure" he hit Eustace with the orange Eustace tried to get him with the knife

"that's the spirits we have ourselves a duel. Catch" he threw the orange to Drinian who caught it. They started fighting and Reep was giving him pointers.

"Come On Reep!" i cheered laughing at one point we thought Reep had fallen overboard but he came round and finished it i clapped my hands but stopped when i heard Lucy.

"Look" the little girl from the Lone Island came crawling out

"Gael?" Michael the man we picked up went to his daughter. I walked towards his daughter Drinian following me. i stopped in front of them.

"looks we have an extra crew member" i stated looking at the Captain who bent down and gave her the orange and went back to his post. Lucy joined me

"Welcome aboard"  we greeted

"Your Majesties" she curtsied

"please call us Lucy and Isabelle" Lucy smiled

"Come on" we took her away.

"you can sleep here there should be enough room for the three of us." The next few days  we sailed east  i sat in the map room with Caspian and i felt a bit ill.

"are you alright" Cas asked as i groaned.

"yeah fine" i stood up and wobbled he caught me

"no your not you need to rest" he insisted but I tried to stop him from doing anything.

"Cas i'll be okay just misplaced my sea legs" but he didn't listen and carried me to bed.

"sleep i'll get Lucy to bring her cordial" he brushed hair out of my face and kissed my temple before leaving. I fell asleep, When i woke up Lucy was sitting my side.

"your awake" she smile i sat up feeling better

"i gave you a drop of my cordial" she informed me moving slightly so she could face me better. I sigh and shake my head.

"Lucy i'm fine Cas was just worrying over nothing"  i waved her off

"Iz i know you well enough to know when your hiding something" she gave me a pointed look

"fine but you can't tell anyone especially not Caspian because i'm not sure" she was apprehensive but nodded.

"i've been feeling odd for a few weeks. It started before we set of and i thought nothing of it until we stopped in Galma and i had some fish. It tasted awful which was weird because i love fish. It happened with others such as wine and oranges they just tasted fowl."

"What do you think it is"  i bit my lip "Isabelle" she insisted

"okay do not freak out because i won't be sure till i return home. But it could be possible  that i'm with child" she squealed and i shushed her.

"you should tell Caspian"

"no, not yet i want him to focus on finding the lords. That and if i told him of my suspicions he would rap me in cotton wool. I hate being wrapped in cotton wool." I retorted scowling.

"he needs to know Iz" she told me and I nodded in agreement.

"and he will when we finish and not before. Besides i might be wrong its only a theory " I replied. I doubt that I was but there was always a chance. I at least wanted to be sure before I said anything to Caspian

"i will keep it secret but i still thinks he needs to know. Even if it might be something else" she wasn't happy about it, but I was grateful.

"i'm going up top" i changed before going on deck.

"Belle are you okay?" Caspian questioned me coming over. i nodded reassuringly and with a small smile.

"fine just needed some sleep" it was not a lie i did need some sleep.

"good" he kissed my head and brought me into his embrace, i felt his comfort and love, I relaxed and returned it.

"Land Ho" we heard we went to the poop deck and looked through the telescope

"looks uninhabited but if the Lords went east they would have stopped here" Caspian informed us and I was inclined to agree with his thoughtful observation.

"It could be a trap" Drinian warned

"or it could hold answers" Ed countered "Caspian" he put away the scope

"we'll spend the night on shore. Scour the Island in the morning" I say.

"Aye your majesty" we dropped the long boats and rowed to shore. The men went to collect wood. After we set up a fire and had a meal we set up our places for the night. I was obviously right beside Caspian and fell into a dreamless sleep.

---Third Person---

Lucy stood in front of the opened book of incantations

"and infallible spell to make you she the beauty you always wanted to be" she read out lound and on the page the picture turned into a mirror slowly her image turned into her sister.

"Isabelle what's going...on" she realised her reflection had turned into her eldest sister she looked around then back down. 

"i'm beautiful" she went to look at another refection but it was Lucy as she had always been she went back to the book and she was her sister but the image faded back to wat it was

"wait" she hit the book but her as her sister never returned

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