authors note!

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hello everyone, this is my first story, and i'm not super experienced. if anyone has any constructive criticism or positive feedback please don't hesitate to give. i hope you enjoy, <3.


y/n - your name
y/e/c - your eye colour
y/h/c - your hair colour

mother - unknown
father - Sirius Black

year at hogwarts - 4th year
age - 14
house - gryffindor (just to make the story simpler)

you have lived in 12 Grimmauld Place since birth, you've been raised by Remus Lupin, Molly Weasley, & Arthur Weasley while your father has been locked up in Azkaban since you were two. just this summer when your father came back you were finally able to attend hogwarts. as you knew all about the school and loved seeing images of your dad when he was young.

the story line for the fourth year will go as follows without any evil, to help the storyline after the first wizarding war, voldemort does not regain power therefore he makes no return. the characters are all the same age as follows and you will be in the fourth year with Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, & Ronald Weasley (with all the other characters in that year).

pranksters; ron weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now