chp. 1 - only the beginning

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i awoke to the sound of laughter echoing in the household. the smell of eggs & bacon filling my nose immediately after.

i put on my favourite hoodie on top of my pyjamas and made my way to the bathroom to brush my hair. i stepped out of the room shutting the lights and walking downstairs.

as i let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes as i walked downstairs i see a familiar face that i haven't seen in months. the short, neat, red hair, that always smelt like coconut in the stood by the stove swaying slowly whilst listening to her favourite artist.

"Molly"! i exclaimed with the biggest smile on my face as i run up to her rapidly.

i haven't seen molly all summer. since my dad came back there i'm guessing she just wanted me to spend time with him.

"y/n dear, how i've missed you! how've you been"? she asks pulling me into a tight embrace.

i melted into her arms and took in the smell of her perfume. as i slowly pulled away from her hug i heard a voice that didn't sound familiar.

"i always knew i wasn't her favourite child but i really thought you at least made the cut" i heard a voice say with a chuckle behind me.

i turned around to see a tall, muscular, red headed boy, with his hair going down to his chin chuckling as he entered a room with a girl around the same height as me with the same shade of red hair laughing along.

"ron, ginny, this is y/n, sirius' daughter" molly said with a rather stern look on her face while telling them who i was. i've never seen her in this state before. i knew about her kids but i've never met them before.

"hi y/n" ginny said beaming, " it's really nice to finally meet you" as she walked over to me and gave me a light hug.

i exchange a look with ron over ginny's shoulder as he smiles and i see a light shade of red just darker than his hair spread over his cheeks. i felt my face heating up at the same time while i lightly smile back at him.

"sit down guys, it's hot so eat up everyone" molly says as she places 5 plates of bacon & eggs on the table.

the table we had in the kitchen wasn't large as it was only ever 3 of us who ate at it.

i sat next to the left of ginny with ron on her right. i picked up my fork and grabbed some eggs when there was a rumbling coming from the level above.

"must be fred & george getting there pranks all set before school starts" ron said to us. molly yelled from downstairs for the two boys to come down and eat breakfast.

after just a couple bites of my eggs as the hunger that was bawled up in my stomach released and my stomach felt all warm and gradually felt full. i take a sip of the glass of water i had as i looked up to see two identical looking boys with that same red hair molly and arthur both have.

"morning" one of the boys said as he slowly made his way to the table and sat down right next to me.

"fred, george, this is y/n" molly says as she places two glasses of water down at their seats.

"oi fred, you think i have a chance with her" i hear the boy sitting next to me say to his brother. "no chance, she's mine" fred says while winking at me.

i laugh at him whilst rolling my eyes as i take another bite of my food. i get a glance at ron. i take a second to look at him as he's stuffing his face with food. his blue eyes twinkling as the rays of the sun pour into the kitchen through the nearest window. i move my attention to ginny. the freckles on her face are shining through her pale skin. the two identical twins sitting and laughing with one another. while cracking jokes and making everyone around them smile. these were my people. i knew they were going to be my life long friends.

- ron's p.o.v -

she was truly gorgeous. as i watched her hug ginny i could just tell she was someone that was gonna make my days brighter. she smiled at me over ginny's shoulder, i felt my face heat up automatically. her beautiful y/e/c lit up and her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. as we sat at the small table located in the kitchen, i couldn't take my eyes off of her. her
y/c/h swayed as she took at bite of her food. fred and george came down the stairs and gave each other that look. the look they do whenever they fancy a girl. i could feel my cheeks glowing red as they spoke.

- y/n's p.o.v -

"y/n dear, we're short on space, would it be okay if ron and ginny stayed with you in your room?" molly said sounding worried.

i took no time to reply back with a simple "of course molly, anything for you guys".

we finished eating and i led both ron and ginny up to my room. they were both amazed by all the muggle things i had laying around. i helped them settle in and got a bed ready for ron. 


pranksters; ron weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now