chp. 5 - girl in red

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i woke bright and early, in my little makeshift bed we set up in ginny's room last night; the sun shines brightly and fills the room. i grabbed my record player and pulled a song out of the box "are you bored yet? - wallows". i did my best to quietly walk out of the room. ginny was a heavy sleeper. as i looked down into the kitchen of the weasleys home from outside of ginny's bedroom, i noticed no one was awake yet. i went downstairs while yawning, walked to the kitchen table and set my record player down and put the disc on. hearing the sweet sounds i immediately felt warm once again.

( are you bored yet - wallows )

i went to go boil some water and make my self some tea. i walked to the fridge grabbed some eggs, walked over to the stove making sure to turn on the burner and started cracking the eggs into a bowl. i grabbed a dozen pieces of bread and started making some french toast. i made sure to make enough for the whole family. i want to do something sweet for them, they have shown me nothing but.

"i love this place" i whispered to myself. i couldn't stop thinking about ron's words from the other night, the way he grabbed my waist and seemed so assertive. i couldn't help but feel butterflies once again.

"when we get old, will we regret this?" i sang to myself quietly.

"good morning dear" i heard a voice call out from the stairs.

"molly! i hope you don't mind, i woke up early and decided to make breakfast." i said as i walked over to her wrapping my arms around her neck and sinking into her warm embrace.

"don't worry dear, thank you" molly says kindly to me as we walk over to the stove. "i like this song very much!" she says as she passes the record player. i had a feeling she would, wallows was one of my personal favourites. i grab her hands and start dancing with her.

- ron's p.o.v -

i woke up to the sound of music being played from the kitchen. i got up and opened the door slowly trying not to be heard. i walked over to the railing where i saw y/n and mum dancing.

"will you tell the truth, so i don't have to lie!" y/n sang while twirling mum.

i couldn't help but smile. seeing y/n get along so well with mum made me happy. i feel my cheeks go red.

"staring again mate" george said as he walked over to me patting me on the back.

"shove off george" i said furiously. i rolled my eyes at
him and focused my attention back to y/n and mum.

"she's adorable" i muttered under my breath. "ow, blimey george what was that for" i said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"she's mine mate" george said winking at me as they both went down stairs.

- y/n's p.o.v -

"morning y/n" i hear fred and george call out to me in unison while walking over to give molly a hug.

"morning you two" i said cheerfully. fred and george were like my older brothers. it was weird that they fancied me.

"here y/n" george said handing me a candy. i take it and throw it into my mouth and smile. i turn towards the stairs to go wake ginny and ron up and tell them breakfast is ready.

pranksters; ron weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now