chp. 10 - vanilla

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i sat in the common room with hermione and harry waiting for ron to get back. i didn't know why he waited so long to buy the candy for ginny. we stopped by honey dukes at the beginning of our time there.

i looked up from where i was sitting and saw ginny walk into the room with one of her third year friends. her name was ami sosa. she was quite quiet which surprised me as ginny was a social butterfly. the two walked in holding a bag of candy and made their way up to the girls dorms.

"you know, i'm starting to think ron didn't stay at hogsmeade to buy ginny candy" harry said to hermione and i.

"oh harry" hermione said laughing.

the fiery red haired boy walked into the quiet room holding a big black box. i sat up from the couch and walked over to him.

"what's this?" i asked him as i grabbed it from his grasp.

"open it" he said to me smiling.

i placed to box down on the small circular table in the corner of the room. i quickly open the box eager to see what's inside. giving gifts to friends was my absolute favourite thing back in the muggle world.

i pulled off the box to see a black record player identical to my old one. i felt my cheeks get warm and my face slowly form into a smile.

i looked up at ron who was smiling back at me from where he had originally been standing.

"i love it" i say as i pull him into a hug. i felt a rush of warmth of comfort as i felt his arms press lightly into my lower back. i felt his chin dig into my shoulder as he hugged me tighter. i pulled away from him as he placed a light kiss on my forehead

i felt my stomach fill up with butterflies as he removed his soft lips from the top on my head.

"woah get a room you two" i heard a sarcastic harry call out from the other side of the room.

"wait isn't tonight the picking of the names of the tri-wizard champions" ron asked us.

we all nodded at him in agreement and silently made our way through the corridors to the great hall. ron sat beside me and harry in front as well as hermione.

"from durmstrang institute" dumbledore said loudly. the cup rumbled and shot of a piece of paper along with blue sparks.

"viktor krum" he said as he read the piece of paper. loud cheers and claps came from the slytherin table where durmstrang was seated. the rest of the school applauded quickly as viktor walked away.

"he's the best quidditch player ever" ron whispered to me. i smiled back at him and let out a small laugh.

the blue sparks erupted once again and shot out another sheet of paper. "from beauxbatons academy, fleur delacour" he announced.

a blonde haired girl with pale skin rose up from ravenclaw table and made her way to where the previous male had gone.

the blue sparks shot out from the cup for a final time and a rather large piece of paper spewed out and landed into dumbledore's hands.

"cedric diggory" he read out as the tall hufflepuff boy received several pats on the back from his fellow house mates. i couldn't help but feel anger build up inside of me. i knew he was drunk but drunk words are sober thoughts. i felt a hand squeeze mine and a light smile come off of ron's face.

-TIME SKIP- (next day)

i never walked through hogwarts alone. i was always with my friends, but they were all in class at the moment. i had a break. i saw a boy wearing a yellow tie walking towards me and i immediately knew who it was. i turned around at the sight of cedric diggory.

pranksters; ron weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now