chp. 8 - boyfriend

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i woke up this morning in the best mood. i'd be starting my first day at hogwarts with all my friends. i was walking over to professor mcgonagals classroom after pavarti said me and ron were needed. the conversation was going great until.

"we have to take what class?" ron asked in disbelief.

"history of magic" she repeated for the third time. i rolled my eyes and sighed. "weasley you need the extra credit, and black, you need another class" the professor said as the two of us stood up and walked out of the room.

"i can't believe this" i said to ron as we made our way to our new class. "at least we're doing it together" he said smiling. i walked in and my eyes automatically focused to the blonde straight haired girl sitting at the front of the room.

"great lavender is in this class" ron blurts out and i couldn't help but laugh. i don't blame him. i mean don't get me wrong she's super nice but not the type of person i get along with.

"hi professor" i said taking my eyes off lavender.

"you two pull out your books" they said and went back to teaching. i looked at ron who was one step ahead of me and was looking back at me. the two of us sat down at the back of the classroom and opened our books.

"y/n" ron whispers in my ear, "don't make it obvious but lavender is staring at us" he says as he pulls away directly after. i looked up to see the blonde glaring at me.

"kiss me" ron says.

"what?" i say, "are you insane?" i ask him.

"on the cheek y/n" ron says laughing. i felt my cheeks go red and i leaned in to give him a peck on his left cheek. i pulled away quickly and couldn't help but smile at him. i saw lavenders eyes quickly look away from the two of us.

as soon as class finished ron and i raced each other back to the common room. i was sweating by the time i reached the entrance where ron had been waiting for me. i walked in and saw fred and george sitting by the fire place.

"hi y/n" fred and george said to me in unison as i entered the common room. i smiled lightly at them and made my way to my dorm. i opened the door and...


the room was bursting with different colours and sparks. i stood at the door and didn't move. my eyes shifted from wall to wall until my eyes focused themselves on my record player. it was ruined. my discs scattered and the record player broken.

i felt a tear roll down my cheek as i walked over to the record player. "sweater weather by the neighborhood" broken into two. the record player sparked when my tear hit it.

"george and fred weasley" i said as i sprinted down the stairs rapidly, "im going to fucking kill you both" i say yelling at the two of them.

"y/n don't be mad" fred says walking over to me. "it was a prank" george adds.

"you ruined my record player" i shouted, "i have the right to be mad, you guys took it too far" i said as i wiped away my tears. i went up to my dorm and stayed there.

TIME SKIP - (the next morning)

i sat down in the great hall next to hermione. i looked over at fred & george and george mouthed "i'm sorry". i rolled my eyes and focused my attention back on ron who was stuffing his face with food.

"they're real dicks y/n" he says in a muffled tone. i lightly smiled at him and couldn't bare to talk about the situation any longer.

pranksters; ron weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now