chp. 3 - prankwars

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the stairs creaked as ron and i made our way down to the kitchen. my hair was in a messy bun and when i say messy, i mean messy. my room being on the fourth floor made the awkward silence between ron and i ten times worse. eventually i needed to say something.

"uh ron, i didn't even see you in the room, how were you able to catch me" i said turning to him which i could tell caught him off guard.

"i came up and opened the door, i guess you didn't notice because of your little dance sesh with ginny" he said laughing while running his hands through his hair. while i nudge him on his shoulder nearly pushing him down the stairs.

"there you two are" molly says as we reach the bottom of the staircase. "sit, sit" she says cheerfully. our small round kitchen table has now turned into a rectangular wooden table that filled the kitchen. magic was rarely used in the house. remus tried to make my childhood as normal as possible considering i still lived my daily life as a muggle. i walked over to where my dad was sitting gave him a quick hug and pulled out a chair right between him and ginny. it was awkward being around my dad as the feeling was new but the second i saw him we automatically clicked.

"how are you doing y/n" remus said to me from the other end of the table as he grabbed a spoonful of mashed potatoes and added it onto his plate.

"i'm doing amazing" i reply back cheerfully. i've never been happier. being with people just like me was amazing. i pilled different foods onto my plate and starting eating. i always loved molly's cooking. she'd bring leftovers over some morning so i could eat the for dinner when no one was up for cooking.

we ate our dinner in silence. as we all slowly get up to clean our plates my dad, remus and arthur pulled me into the other room whilst the weasleys proceeded to help molly clean the kitchen.

"y/n would you be okay staying with the weasleys for the rest of the summer"? my dad asks me with a hopeful face. "we are trying to get things cleared up at the ministry with your father" remus blurts out before i get the chance to answer. "we're also working to find him a job" arthur adds trying to convince me to say yes. in my head i'm just thinking about the time i would have at the weasleys home. seeing all the different magic and getting closer to everyone.

"of course" i replied, "i would love too" i say beaming. my dad pulls me into a tight embrace and whispers "thank you" into my ear.

"you'll be leaving tomorrow morning with molly" arthur adds as we leave the room smiling. i was thrilled to be going to the weasleys home.

~ TIME SKIP ~ ( it's only the evening after dinner; so not a huge jump<3 )

it was sunday morning, august 26th, 9:45 a.m.

i awoke to sun beaming through my white curtains and hitting my y/c/e passionately.

i sat up in my bed only to notice that the red headed girl wasn't laying next to me but the blue eyed boy was laying on my floor. i looked over at my dresser then the window on the other side of my room taking in the view of the trees and the sun rising on the horizon.

"good morning" a deep, groggy voice called out from my left. i turned my head to see a shirtless ronald weasley sitting up in his makeshift bed.

i smiled and replied with "morning weasley, sleep well" i called out turning my whole body to face him. he was truly gorgeous but there was no way a boy like him. there was probably a million other girls at hogwarts falling at his feet.

"the floor is my favourite place" he says sarcastically also turning his body to face me. i laugh and shake my head as i take my covers off and get out of bed.

- ron's p.o.v -

i woke up to the sun hitting my eyes through y/n's white curtains. i turned and saw the back of her head. she was staring out the crack in her curtains like she did every morning.

"good morning" i said to her while rubbing my eyes.

she replies "morning weasley, sleep well". even when she wakes up her voice is gorgeous. she turns to me and the smile that i love flashes towards me and quickly spreads over her face. i replied with sarcasm and i knew she loved it. she got out of bed and walked over to the box sitting by her dresser and pulled a disc out. she places it gently on the record player and walks into the bathroom and starts combing her hair. i didn't know she did this.

- y/n's p.o.v -

i walk into the bathroom and start combing through my hair, i was beyond excited for today. i couldn't sleep. ron was still sitting in his makeshift bed when i walked back out.

"you coming" i said as i reached my hand for the door handle. "it's so early no ones awake" ron says as he shifts his body back to how he was originally. i let out a laugh and walk out the door. i walk down the flights of stairs and reach the final landing and see molly and ginny making breakfast. i quickly made my way the last couple of stairs when i trip over something and water splashes down on me. i scream with freight as i'm laying on the floor soaking wet.

"we got him mate" i hear a voice call from the top of the stairs with footsteps rapidly following. molly and ginny both rush over to me as soon as possible as two red heads slowly descend down the remaining stairs.

"ron's still upstairs" i say to a concerned fred and george and they finally reach the kitchen.

"y/n we are so sorry" fred says, "we heard ron's voice along with footsteps and we assumed he was coming down" george quickly adds.

"it's alright" i say holding my head as it is now throbbing.

"what the bloody hell is happening down here" a still shirtless ron comes rushing down the stairs. his body was immaculate, i only ever saw his collarbone while in my room.

"your genius brothers were trying to prank you but instead got me" i say while rolling my eyes with a little chuckle at the end.

"oh it's on, i'm sick of you two trying to prank me and hurting others" ron says angrily. we both look at one another and smirk.

"prank wars" ron and i say in unison.


pranksters; ron weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now