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Alrighty... so... I got some bad news... im canceling the Black Swords Woman.

NOW! Before you all get butthurt! Let me explain some stuffs.

Now first of all i didn't just put an announcement on my account to let you guys know because i wanted to explain why and i didnt feel like i would have enough room there to do so. As well as most people who read the Black Swordswoman arent following me, so i wanted to make sure they saw this as well.

Now as much as I love writing this fanfic... I just can't for a myriad of reasons. The first of which being my personal life just being a freaking mess. I've had a lot on my plate recently and I don't see it ending anytime soon, and I've just been too exhausted and stressed out to write.

Now i may continue the Black Swordswoman in the future... but it's unlikely. With school and other stuff I just straight up dont have the time to write it. So dont raise your hopes up to high.

But i just wanna say it was a lot of fun and i really appreciate all your kind words about the story and my writing. I hope you all have a marvelous day, today, and onward. This is Bell, signing off.

P.S. I'll still be answering comments, i think i can spare just a tad bit of time for that ;).

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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The Black Swordswoman ( An SAO fanic FemKiritoxAsuna )Where stories live. Discover now