Crimson Killing Intent part 2

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The coliseum was packed, there wasn't an empty seat to be seen. The people were cheering for both combatants,  Kirito and Heathcliff. As the two enemies stood staring at each other in the middle of the stadium, It was like watching David and Goliath. Heathcliff was tall standing at least 6 feet tall, he was bulky and held a shield on his left arm with his sword sheathed inside, he was clad in the most expensive armor a man could buy in Aincrad painted in red and white, making him look like a wealthy knight that demanded respect and obedience where ever he stood. Kirito on the other hand was exceedingly short standing at maximum 4 and a half feet (Fun fact :She's actually 4 feet 5 inches. A full 1 foot 1 inch shorter than the original Kirito.), she was scrawny and didn't have any actual muscle on her frame, she carried two swords on her back , the Elucidator, and the Dark Repulser, she was clad in an all black trench coat with white outlines, which made her look like a mercenary that clung to the shadows.

"I'm sorry about this, Kirito. I didn't think this would be such a big deal, this is crazy." Heathcliff jested as looked around the coliseum.

"Maybe I can get a cut of the tickets?" Kirito jested back.

"No, but i'll count this as your first mission for the Knights of the Blood oath." Heathcliff said in his usual serious tone.

"Ya' know i don't like you, at all. But I get why you want to keep an eye on me, I'm not happy about it but I do get it." Kirito said back in the same tone Heathcliff had given her.

"... is that so?" Heathcliff answered back as he opened his menu.

He sent a duel invitation to Kirito, which she accepted, selecting the :Normal Dual: Mode. Meaning whoever's health fell below 50% first, lost. As the time ticked down Kirito pulled out her swords and Heathcliff did the same.

When the timer hit 0 Kirito activated the sword skill double circular, a 2 hit combo that consisted of a circular strike with each sword, to which Heathcliff blocked with his shield. After Double Circular was over Kirito began her rapid assault on Heathcliff, slashing so fast the spectors were having a difficult time seeing the swords themselves. All Heathcliff did was block before sidestepping the left and striking at Kirito with his sword, which she blocked before jumping back. Heathcliff didn't let Kirito recover; he bolted toward her from the right and smashed into her with his shield. His shield!?! Kirito thought to herself before being punted away. Heathcliff came charging at her again and after trading blows he forced Kirito to back step, as soon as she landed she activated the most powerful sword skill in her arsenal on the Elucidator, Vorpal Strike. It was a sword skill only unlocked when your 1-handed sword skill was at 950, it was a 1-hit combo that had double the reach of the actual sword (It also makes the sound of a jet engine when used. How frickin cool is that!?!), however due to it being easy to predict and time it wasn't that useful against players. However Kirito hoped her high speed would be enough to counteract that. Heathcliff managed to block it but the force and speed of the attack still took off a good chunk of his HP. After the attack landed Kirito slid past him and turned back ready to continue. However she stopped when Heathcliff spoke.

"Your reaction time is very impressive." Heathcliff remarked.

"Hmh and your defense is nearly impregnable." Kirito said back.

"Nearly?" Heathcliff asked.

"There's no such thing as an unbreakable shield." Kirito said before lunging at Heathcliff.

The 2 of them were moving at incredible speeds, it was becoming hard to keep an eye on them. Not yet, give it time. Kirito thought to herself as she laid in on Heathcliff. Eventually he managed to scratch her face dealing a small but very needed amount of damage. Asuna prayed for Kirito as she watched until she noticed something, Heathcliff was slowing down, no Kirito was getting faster! This theory was proven right when Kirito managed to break past Heathcliff's defence and give him a small scratch on his face, he had a shocked expression on his face. She... hit me... Heathcliff thought to himself. Before he knew it Kirito's swords began to glow Blue before she screamed out.


The attacks were so powerful that on the 4th hit Heathcliff's shield was knocked away leaving him wide open. Now's my chance! Kirito thought to herself before going for a downward slash. And in an instant Heathcliff's shield moved faster than what she thought possible, blocking the attack. What the?  Was all Kirito could think to herself before Heathcliff stabbed her in the side dropping her below 50% Health. She lost. Kirito only stared at Heathcliff, he cheated..., Kirito thought to herself. The 2 of them only stared at each other with eyes so sharp they might actually be capable of cutting through Heathcliff's shield.

"Next time, don't make it so obvious..." Was all Kirito said before walking away towards Asuna.

Heathcliff only stared at her as she walked away, if i wasn't using the games system assist she would have won that, and she noticed... i need to keep an eye on her... Heathcliff thought to himself before walking away.

"But she is truly incredible..." Heathcliff said to himself.

Kirito-Chans Equipment:

Blackwyrm coat

Heart of the Relic


Dark Repulser


Kirito: Im sorry Asuna... I lost.

Asuna: Aww it's okay Kirito, be my waifu and i'll forgive you.

K: But I thought I was already your waifu?


Bell: Ah yuri, doesn't it bring a tear to your eye... it's... its... IT'S JUST SO DAMN ADORABLE!!!

Author's notes:

So as I said I would change up the fight a bit. I had Kirito start off with a sword skill unlike the anime, and I added in a few lines of dialogue to spice things up. A thing I wanted to do in this series is make Kirito a lot more perceptive and intelligent than she appears to be which is why she was able to tell Heathcliff was cheating. I love Hyper intelligent badasses in anime, Sora and Shiro from NGNL, Seiya from Cautious hero, Lelouch from Code Geass, the list could go on, trust me it really could. How was my fighting choreography? Got any suggestions one how I can improve it? I'm still new at this and looking for advice. As always make sure to follow i post stuff about the story and other useful tidbits like if a chapter might be uploaded a little later than usual (Though it's unlikely as i've had a chance to finally make some catch up and am already on the next episode by the time this goes up.). Comment! I love seeing your comments there the light of my day and give me a surprisingly effective morale boost, and give me all the encouragement I could need. Anyway as always thank you for reading the Black Swordswoman!

P.S. I know these last 2 have been short, but the next one's probably my longest chapter of the Black Swordswoman to date! Just you wait!

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