The Temperature of the Heart part 1

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June, 24th Floor 48: Lindas

It was getting late, the sun was going down and the sky had entered twilight. A girl with pink hair clad in a red hoop skirt could be seen working on a grinding wheel, sharpening a thin blade. When she was finished she held up the blade and looked at her reflection that beamed off of it like a mirror proving it was of the highest quality. "There ya go, all done." she put the rapier away in its sheath and turned to her customer, it was Asuna. As she walked over to collect the weapon she reached into her pocket to grab some Col as she said "Your the best Liz, thanks.", "Sure thing anytime... hey aren't you supposed to be out hunting with the guild today?", "Yeah i had to take the day off cause i sorta have this little meeting with someone.". As Asuna said this Lizbeth caught a reflection off something in her eye, as she scanned Asuna she saw a dark blue earring made of a gemstone hanging from her right ear. With a mischievous grin on her face Liz looked intently at the earring, Asuna never wear's earrings hmmmmmm, OH! I wonder if she found a special someone, i know she's into girls... eh screw it can't hurt to ask. "Ohohoho, i bet you got a little meeting.", "Wha- no it's not like that." Asuna weekly argued, with a blush hot enough to use as a forge on her cheeks. Before Lizbeth could pry for anymore info a bell chimed in Lindas telling the residents it was 6:00 pm. "O- I have to get going." Asuna said before running towards the exit. "I bet she must be special, whoever she is." Lizbeth whispered "Huh? Did you say something?", "No, but get your ass moving it's rude to keep your date waiting.". "It's not like that I-Oh whatever, see ya!" Asuna said running out the door, Dammit! I knew i shouldn't of told her im gay, if i didnt i could just say im going out with a friend. As Liz stood in the middle of her forge she quietly spoke aloud "I wonder if i'll ever find someone special...".

The next day Lizbeth was hard at work in her forge making a new weapon from an ingot glowing a bright orange. Due to the fact that they were all stuck in a video game forging the weapon was a lot easier than it would be IRL, all Liz had to do was Strike it with her hammer several times and dependant on her Blacksmithing Skill (For Slashing weapons like the sword she was forging it was at 923/1000). When the sword came into shape she picked it up and inspected the edge as she muttered "Good enough... i guess...", before she could talk to herself any further she was cut off by the bell in her shop signalling that she had a customer to attend to. As she put down the sword she remarked "I better get ready for the customers.". She removed her work gloves and checked her face in the mirror for any grime marks "Perfect!". She opened the door to the shop and saw a small girl dressed in all black browsing through the many weapons on display with a huge child-like smile on her face, she was so entranced that she hadn't even noticed Liz's entrance Until she said "Welcome to Lizbeth's Blacksmith shop!". The girl perked up and looked at her, she looks really young, should she even be weapon shopping? "Oh! Hi, I was wondering if you do custom orders?". As Lizbeth walked to her counter she eyed the girl suspiciously, hmmm there's no way in hell this kid has that much money, eh screw if she cant pay i'll sell it to someone else. "I can, thing is metal prices are kinda high these days.", "Oh well i'm not worried about the cost. I just want the best sword you can make ASAP." "Well I make a lot of different swords, but if you have an idea of the quality of a sword i can make it." Lizbeth replied wary "Uhhh sure one sec..." the girl explained as she removed the sheath holding her weapon from her back. "Uh so im looking for something either the same quality or better than this." As Lizbeth grabbed the sword her hands were forced down to the table due to the weight, she removed the sword from its sheath, it was a beautifully simple blade. It was all black with light gray borders, it had a simple quadruple triangle design on the lower part of the blade and a small cross at the end of it, the blade had a guard on it that was unlike anything she had seen before. It had a spike extending at a horizontal angle from the hilt and the blade went down only 1 side of it connecting to said spike, the other side was left open it, it was one of the most beautiful weapons she had ever laid her eyes upon (Can you tell i frickin love the Elucidator?- Bell). She activated her appraisal skill and figured out why the blade was so heavy "An Elucidator!?! This is the best Sword someone can get from a monster drop." What the hell is a kid doing with a sword as powerful as this, wait what if she isn't a kid, our avatars don't age. She could be at least 14 for all I know. Lizbeth was quickly snapped out of her thought by the small girl "What do ya' think?". Lizbeth pulled a thin sword out of the space below the counter "How about this? It's the best sword I ever forged, I call it my masterpiece." Lizbeth proudly claimed "I dont know its a little light...", "It should be i used a speed type metal to forge it.". "I'd like to test it if it's cool with you.", "Test it how?" Lizbeth questioned "You know, to test its durability." The small girl explained as she grabbed the Elucidator and got ready to strike it with the alleged 'Masterpiece'. "What the heck are you doing! If you break your sword I'm not responsible kid!" As the 'Masterpiece' began to glow a bright blue she simply responded "If it breaks then that's, too Bad!" As she brought down the sword with Vertical it snapped into 2 over the Elucidator. For a moment Lizbeth only stared at the tip of the blade which lay upon the floor until it shattered to pieces "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she went over and grabbed the broken sword out of the small girl's hands "You broke my... masterpiece..." the weapon shattered into a million pieces and Lizbeth fell to the floor in agony. Then got up and grabbed the small girl by her collar picking her up off the ground "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!!!", "Im sorry, i didn't think yours was gonna break so easy, honest.", "Are you saying my sword, my masterpiece of a sword was lammer than you thought!!!", "Yeah... something like that.". With that said Lizbeth put the small girl down and put her hands on her hips "For your information if i had the right materials i could make a butt load of swords that could shatter yours into a million tiny little pieces.", "Oh yeah? Well that sounds like the kinda sword I'm looking for. As long as it can shatter mine though." the small girl said with a smug expression. Lizbeth's face was glowing a bright red "Ok smart ass but you have to help me make it every step of the way!", "Seriously?", "Absolutely, and we'll start by getting the metal for it.", "I think i can handle that myself, I'd rather not have you slowing me down.", "Don't you dare insult me, believe it or not I'm an expert mace user." Lizbeth said confidently. "Eh suit yourself, so where do we find the metal?" the small girl inquired as she sheathed the Elucidator "Floor 55 on the western mountains, there's a dragon there that eats crystals. According to the legends it's supposed to store a rare metal in its body.", "Floor 55 huh... yeah i should go alon-" Lizbeth cut her off "And they say in order to get the metal you need a master smith along. Still think going alone's a good idea." Lizbeth said with a smug expression. "I-uh... fine just keep quiet and stay out the way.", "Keep quiet a-.", "By the way i'm Kirito. Looks like we'll be in a party until we get that sword." said the small girl holding her hand out. Crossing her arms Lizbeth said "Yeah whatever Kiiirito!", "Well if you're gonna be like that i can roll with it, Lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbeth.".

A few hours later and they arrived on floor 55. Unbeknownst to Lizbeth however, floor 55 was basically the Himalayas and she had a hoop skirt with no leggings. "Ah Choo... ugh it's cold... how are you not freezing?", "Well the Blackwyrm coat might be helping considering it used to be part of a dragon, but I think mainly it's because I equipped this brand new incredible mountaineering item." Kirito explained "Oh and what would that be?", "PANTS WOMAN!!! Seriously! Who wears a hoop skirt to a damn mountain!?!" Kirito said ,genuinely wanting an answer. "I-I didn't know I'd be so damn cold...", "ugh fine here take this." Kirito threw Lizbeth a cowl made of some kind of animal pelt. "Are you going to be okay without this?", "I conditioned myself to not feel the effects of the cold, i'll be fine.", Damn, thats hardcore. Just who the hell is this kid? "Whats wrong Lizbeth, giving up already?", "Not in your life! And if you're going to be a jerk about it call me Liz.", "Okay, okay got it, Lizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz", "Yeah well don't wear it out!!!".

A couple more hours later they made it to the area Liz had said the dragon was. It was littered with large crystalline structures, it was like a minefield. Liz ran over to the nearest one and gazed at her perfect reflection in the crystal. As Kirito looked around she swore she saw a light blue sword with an odd look to it covered in vines in the minefield of crystals, but when she went to look again it was gone, what was that, why did it fill me with such a nostalgic feeling... Kirito was only released from her trance when Liz said "It's Beautiful!" as she ran to go do more sightseeing she felt something restricting her, as looked behind her she saw Kirito grabbing on to the end of her cowl. "What's your problem!?!" with a straight face Kirito replied "You should get your teleport crystal ready.", "I know, I know im doing it.", "And i'm handling this part on my own. Once the dragon appears your gonna hide behind one of those crystals over there, don't come out no matter what." Kirito said in a demanding voice. "Oh come on i'm not a noob, if i wanna help i'll darn wel-", "DO IT SACHI!" Kirito screamed as she looked at Liz with a pair of eyes that could bring down the mightiest of warriors. "Now... I don't feel like arguing." Then Kirito walked forward and Liz stood there thinking, what the hell was that, who is this chick? But Liz had no more time to think as Kirito walked forward a sudden GROUWLLLL could be heard. "NOW! Cover!", "Uh o-okay." As Liz ran behind cover Kirito unsheathed the Elucidator. Then the dragon came into view, it was huge, it had powerful hind legs, huge wings, and ice white skin only visible from the cracks in the scales of its skin. As the dragon prepared for a breath attack Liz called out "Watch out it's a breath attack!!!" Kirito simply stood there and activated Horizontal to block the attack. As the wind atop the mountain raged, it blew the snow kicked up from the ground away and Kirito was unharmed. Wow and with that thin sword, who the hell is she? Kirito jumped up and used the sword Skill Deadly Sins, a 7-hit combo, then attacked with Horizontal, then a Vertical witch cut its left arm off. "Oh come on stop playing with it and finish it off already!" Liz said as she stepped out of her cover . "DAMMIT, DON'T COME OUT YET!!!", "What's the big deal you got it righ-" Liz stopped when she saw the dragon use its massive sail sized wings to create a gust forcing her and a couple hundred pounds of snow to fall into a hole that was previously hidden by the crystals. "AHHH!!!!", "LIZ!!!" As Liz fell she suddenly felt a hand grab onto her hand, she looked to see Kirito grabbing her as they fell into the black abyss.

Kirito-chans Equipment:


Blackwyrm Coat

The Baldric (AKA the fidget spinner Kirito wears to hold his sword) called 'The heart of the relic' (Look on the Wiki)

Author notes:

So I made even more changes. I decided to put a few lines from the Abridged in because lets be honest, theyre fucking hysterical. If you remember in Alicization when they showed the Blue Rose Sword being created it was on top of a mountain frozen in ice, it reminded me of this area a lot and i like throwing in little things like that, also my story so HA! Other than that I added Kirito-chans Equipment. Its seemed like a good way to list the know gear that Kirito had in the chapter Ex. in the Beater Pt.3 it might be something like Anneal blade, health crystal, healing potion, bread, cream, and coat of midnight because we know in the actual show he had all that and i figured it would be better to just add it on the end instead of putting in the story.  Any way tell what you think of the new bits I added at the end and comment below what I thought of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed the Black Swordswoman!

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