Red Nosed Reindeer Part 2

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It had been about a month since Kirito decided to join the MBC, they were on floor 20 fighting something Akin to a giant praying mantis. Susamaru was the first to attack, jabbing his spear into the mantis, after ducking back behind Sachi's newly equipped Sheild he struck again. The mantis retaliated hitting Sachi's Shield, Kirito could tell another Attack would cause her fall back. "Sachi! Get back I got this!" Kirito said this whilst rushing the mantis cutting off its right pincer with the sword skill Horizontal. The Mantis regained its footing and struck at Kirito again Kirito managed to block this using another Horizontal "Tetsuo, Switch out!", "Got it!" Tetsou then rushed the mantis crushing its torso with his mace, using Horizontal shattering the mantis into hundreds of blue polygons. That last attack caused Tetsuo to get the majority of the exp leveling him up to 23. Kirito was proud, she could tell The MBC were starting to level up she needed to get them to level 30 to leave the guild and permanently return to the front lines, it was going to take a while but Kirito didn't mind.

After slaying the Mantis the group found a safe zone and decided to have lunch. While the rest of the MBC were chatting Kirito and Keita were looking over the Weekley Argo made by Argo the "rat", she was the most popular info broker in Aincrad, but Kirito knew her from the beta test. "Wow, the assault team made it to floor 28! That's amazing!" Kirito already knew this, as she was there. When she joined the MBC she joined them on the term that if she had something important to do she could leave the guild temporarily, she asked this because she knew she wanted to keep fighting on the front lines, or at least fight the bosses. "Hey Kirito what the heck does the assault team have we dont?", "Well, money and access to information. With that they can find out the easiest ways to get exp and they don't share that info.", "ugh... you're probably right. But i think what really sets them apart is willpower". Kirito was intrigued by Keita's answer "What da ya mean?" Keita sat up before replying "I guess what I mean is they have the will to stick up for their friends or any player for that matter, truth is i like to think we have that same kind of drive. Even though we still need their protection. That said, our first priority is looking out for each other. But someday if we can get strong enough we'll join the elites in the assault team". "I see, that's a good goal to have", "oh i don't know... i guess" Keita replied weakly not noticing Ducker behind him "hey leader... Give me some love!" Ducker put Keita into a friendly headlock as the rest of the MBC joined them. "So you really think we can be as strong as the Holy Dragon Alliance or the Knights of the Blood oath?" Tetsou asked their leader "Yeah! And what if i do, there's nothing wrong with setting our sights high. But we have to be level 30 first", "Aww that's impossible", "yours as ambitious as ever". I like the way Keita thinks, if the black cats can level up enough and get to the front lines his ideals could change the elitist attitude of the assault team. Kirito watched as they all laughed at Keita trying to escape the arm lock he trapped in, then she looked at her health bar she was level 48 she couldn't help but feel guilty lying to the MBC about her level, she was so tired of being alone, she just wanted to be with someone. She was hoping after they cleared floor 8 people would leave her alone about the whole beater thing, but she was being too optimistic. She was still outcasted, people stopped hunting her down but it was still pretty bad. She had hoped she could travel with Asuna again after the 10th floor, but she had become 2nd in command of the Knights of the Oath, so yeah that was out of the question. She wanted to talk to Asuna, go out to eat with her or something. It had been 5 months since they last had a normal conversation that didn't involve coming up with a strategy to kill a giant monster. Though she guessed this is what Asuna wanted, she said she fought because she didn't want to be controlled anymore, now she was one of the highest ranked members in the most powerful guild in all of Aincrad. Asuna had a different air around her though it was one not of kindness and determination that Kirito felt during their time together on the first floor, it was one of Anger and exhaustion. She wanted to help Asuna but her commander Heethcliff always made sure to keep himself in between the two of them. It made sense she was a Beater, they couldn't allow their reputation to be dragged through the mud, if someone figured out her and Asuna were friends it could spell disaster for the KoB. She looked towards the horizon away from the MBC and a single tear ran down her face, she was happy to not be alone anymore.

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