The Girl of Morning Dew

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When text looks like this, it means it's an inner monologue.

When text looks like this, it means a character is whispering.

A line like this " - " Means an action is being done Ex. -Yawn-, means said character is yawning.

October 24th Floor 55: Grandzam

"I understand the situation, now I just have to explain it to the rest of the guild." Heethcliff said.

"Also we'd like a temporary leave of absence from the guild." Asuna added.

"Is that so... why?"

"We have concerns with the current state of the guild, and we need time to think."

"Hmm... very well. But I think you mean you're taking a leave of absence."

"Wha- What do you mean?"

"Kirito as of now you are officially banned from the Knights of the Blood Oath and all its property. I wanted to have you in my sights, however if I let someone who was responsible for the death of one of my men go unpunished, my underlings may... not take it the best." Heethcliff explained, as he rested his chin in his hands.


"However if I message you ordering you to return, I expect it to be swift. Do I make myself clear, Asuna."

"Yes sir, goodbye. Thank you for the leave of absence." Asuna said, before grabbing Kirito's hand and walking away.

After the door had closed Heethcliff was left alone.

"That girl really knows how to get what she wants..." He said to himself.

"Taking the blame for 'Lightning Flash', just so she could get out of my guild... it makes sense that she would be the one to get the dual wielding skill..."

October 25 Floor 22

Inside the ever expansive forests of floor 22 a large log cabin could be spotted, shrouded in greenery.

"Wow! This view is amazing!" Kirito said to herself with a child-like smile on her face as she looked out on the lake from the balcony.

"Yeah, it is." Asuna said as she came up behind Kirito, wrapping her arm around the small girl.

"Just make sure not to fall off the balcony, okay?"

"I'm not THAT small!" Kirito argued back.

The two of them simply stood there as the wind blew through their hair, neither of them spoke a word as they looked out over floor 22.

"Look at us, livin the dream."

"Look at us, completely broke." Kirito jested.

"Hehehe, it's worth it though, cause we can live in peace here."

"... Hey Asuna?"


"Well... i was wondering...does... does our relationship only exist in this world?" Kirito asked, as she looked away from Asuna.

"I can't believe you'd say that! I don't give a shit if this is a virtual world, my feelings for you are real!" Asuna said as she put her hands on Kirito's face.

"If i learned anything in the last 2 years, it's that it doesn't matter if this is a virtual world. The things we go through, and the things we feel are all real. So I promise no matter what world I'm in, real, or virtual. I'll find you and i'll fall in love with you all over again." She explained before pulling Kirito in for a kiss that both of them shared for a few moments.

The Black Swordswoman ( An SAO fanic FemKiritoxAsuna )Where stories live. Discover now