━━ 𝐢. 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭!

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" ... YES, MOTHER. I KNOW. THIS school's the same one you graduated from - west valley high, yeah. mhm, i'll call you soon. i love you too, bye."

gerald glanced at his daughter, who was just ending the call with her mother while putting a few necessities in her bag. once the blonde was finished, she turned to her father with a nod.

"father, ready to go?", rose asked.

"of course. i assume you've got all of your things with you?"

"yeah, i'm good."

he didn't miss the slight sullen tone in her voice so he gave her a small, fatherly smile before putting a hand on her shoulder. "hey. it's just school. you're a tough girl. you'll get through it, rose."

"i know, father. i'm not worried about that. it's robby," rose admitted, sighing, "i just hoped we'd graduate high school together. but it's fine, i guess. we agreed it's for the better."

the man nodded his head, showing a bit of sympathy for his daughter. he still thought that her boyfriend was trouble but robby does make her happy and he accompanies her whenever gerald isn't around - that itself makes him appreciate the boy a little more than he'd admit.

"anyway, we wouldn't want to be late now, would we, father?", the girl laughed half-heartedly before walking ahead of him towards the door. he could only return her laugh as he followed her outside their penthouse.


the ride all the way to school was silent yet comfortable for the two. after gerald dropped her off, rose gave her outfit a short once-over before heading to the admissions office to pick up her schedule. that's where she bumped into another new student. guess she wasn't only one, thank goodness for that.

the blonde beamed at the tall student and approached him gregariously, "hey, are you new here at west valley high, too?"

startled, he turned around to face her. the boy slowly returned her smile as he responded, "hey! and yeah, uh, my family and i just moved here. i'm miguel diaz, by the way."

she shook the hand he offered politely, "rosette mills-harrison, or just rose if you'd prefer. cute braces, by the way!"

"thanks," a small blush appeared on his cheeks, apparently a bit self-conscious about it but accepted the compliment otherwise. he jerked his head lightly, motioning at her schedule as he asked, "so, rose, what are your subjects before lunch?"

"uh, let's see. precalculus, physics, economics, and biology. wow, hell on the first day, i guess."

miguel laughed at her horrified expression. she took a peek at his own timetable and they practically had the same classes for the entire day. maybe besides physics and biology.

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