━━ 𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠!

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"YOU'VE TRAINED HARD," JOHNNY YELLED at all of his students as they all stood in a junkyard. they all stared at him in full attentiveness. "you've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. you've donw your best. you're ready for this tournament, am i right?"

the teens responded altogether, "yes, sensei!"


the man harshly threw his can of coors banquet at the ground. some of them jumped in surprise while the others were used to his strictness.

johnny started pacing on top of the car he was standing on as he continued, "your best ain't shit! if you want to win the all valley under 18 karate tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. you understand?"

"yes, sensei!"

"are you losers?!"

"no, sensei!"

"are you nerds?!"

"no, sensei!"

"are you sure?!"

"no, sensei!"

rose answered truthfully but she didn't expect to have the others answer the same thing, making her let out a hushed laugh, especially at johnny's incredulous expression.

a few minutes later, they've been tasked by johnny to do partly random yet physical activities to 'work their muscles'. currently, they've been attempting to hop on tire holes. they fell in line with miguel in front, rose right behind him, hawk right behind her, and so on.

"move those feet! go, go, go!", johnny loudly encouraged.

the first three successfully passed the obstacle with ease while the following others slightly struggled. johnny made them go through it again but while some students already finished, everyone started falling on top of each other when aisha tripped. miguel managed to avoid falling on top of her but unluckily, he cushioned rose's fall. he honestly didn't mind, though.

after that obstacle, johnny led them to a bunch of abandoned cars and instructed his students to smash them, "your enemies are all around you. destroy them."

they ran to various cars and started shattering them to pieces. aisha looked unsure on where to start wreck stuff because most cars were already preoccupied by the others. rose saw this and called out to her, "aisha, hey! over here!"

the brunette smiled thankfully at her in relief and the two girls stuck together as they made a wreckage on the poor car. they broke the windows, the car doors, the hood of the car, and they actually enjoyed it!

"yeah! that's what i'm talking about!", johnny cheered at them, giving the two a look of approval. "good job, ladies."

rose just gave him a thumbs up before continuing to smash everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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