━━ 𝐢𝐢. 𝐞𝐬𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨!

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LAZILY SCROLLING THROUGH HER INSTAGRAM feed, rose's thoughts on the upcoming halloween dance were long gone. the food on her plate was left untouched and gerald was beginning to get concerned. after swallowing his own food, he set his fork down and said, "okay, that's enough phone time for the day. i thought you said you were gonna look for your halloween costume."

"i was but i got tiny bit distracted," the blonde admitted bashfully. 'tiny bit' was obviously an understatement. she put her phone down and finally devouring her now cold pesto pasta. "i did think of a costume to wear, though. how does 'harley quinn' sound?"

"you mean the main female jester in that movie we watched last month?"

"suicide squad, father. and yes."


rose's eyes snapped at her father as she began to defend her idea, "but father - "

gerald didn't let her make a statement. he frowned sternly at her, "it's inappropriate. not to mention, repulsive. you're going to a school dance, not a bar, rose. who implanted that idea in your head? robby?"

"what? no!"

and just like that, two gunmetal blue eyes glared at one another, neither backing down from the staring contest.

"i haven't talked to robby since the other day, father. plus, it's just a costume and i am going to a school dance, nowhere else," the girl pleaded at her dad, glare softening but she still held her chin up. "and i can kick them in their asses if they do anything foolish to me."

the dark haired father sighed, breaking the staredown as he leaned back into his dining chair. gerald massaged his growing stubble as he reasoned with her. or at least, tried to, "first of all, watch your language, young lady. second of all, what kind of parent do you think that'd make me if i allowed you to dress something as unladylike as that? third of all, i don't want you kicking anybody at a dance. especially at school."

alright, maybe she didn't fully think this through but still, "father, i promise, i'll be fine. of it helps you feel better, i'll wear leggings rather than short shorts. i just think it will give me a lot of spare time since the costume and preparations itself aren't that in need of an effort. like a diy project of some sort."

she could practically hear the gears in his head turning as she anticipated in his silence. gerald studied his daughter's candor and sighed once again, knowing that he wouldn't want her to feel the need to rebel against his decisions. "fine. but no ripped shorts, no ripped tops, no ripped anything or i'll rip your attendance from the school dance, got it?"

her dad couldn't get any more dramatic and that train of thought made her roll her eyes in a joking manner. nevertheless, rose nodded her head obediently at her father before excusing herself from the dinner table to start working on her costume.

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