━━ 𝐯. 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫!

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THEY CAN ALREADY SEE FROM the outside of the dojo that it was already filled with teenagers that were copying moves miguel and rose used during their fight against kyler and his goons in the cafeteria. apparently, the footage of the whole thing was filmed by a lot of students and caught the attention of variety of kids from the school.

"you better be in one piece when i pick you up for later," gerald warned teasingly as he temporarily parked his car in front of the cobra kai dojo. "mr. larusso was nice enough to offer us a free outlook of his future car deals. not to mention, your driver's exam."

"sounds neat," rose said nonchalantly, staring at her phone which she's been doing for the whole ride.

gerald frowned at his daughter's inattentiveness, so he snapped his fingers loudly, which caused her to jump from her seat in response.

"geez, father!"

"as i was saying; since your driver's exam won't be until summer, you have more time to choose your car so that we can strike up a deal prior to your examination. what's got you so transfixed on your phone?"

"it's ... ", robby. but she wouldn't tell him that or she'd have more questions coming for her, which she wasn't in the mood to entertain. " ... nothing. father, i'm fine and i should also get going."

"all right, fine. i'll get out of your hair now," he sighed, letting her out. she gave him a light kiss on the cheek before climbing out of the car.

just as gerald was about to maneuver the car, he saw johnny lawrence staring at him from in front of the dojo. he recognized him because johnny was the one ali constantly compared him to when they were still married to each other.

he awkwardly waved a hand at the man who nodded his head at the black haired dad in response. gerald shook his head, sarcastically muttering under his breath, "stop haunting me, ali."


"you're late. that was your dad, huh," johnny rhetorically asked rose as he tore his gaze away from gerald and went back inside the dojo to the large number of new students chattering.

rose only laughed, already sensing his intention. when the school called gerald aout the cafeteria incident, he told ali all about it, of course. then, when rose told ali and gerald about cobra kai and its new sensei - well, long story short, it led to a bedtime-worthy story about her mother's past with johnny lawrence. not to mention, the scoldings she got from gerald about getting majorly involved in school fights. pfft, like it'll even get to that point.

miguel came up from behind her and nudged her shoulder jokingly. she turned to him, seeing that he's already changed his clothing as he asked, "what, aren't you gonna change into your gi? aisha's already wearing hers."

𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐒!▌a cobra kai fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now