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My alarm randomly started going off which meant i needed to hurry up get out of bed and get to school,, i crawled out of bed and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror ew I look crusty i then grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth,,I finished brushing my teeth and took a shower I walked back to my room and put on my uniform what should I do on my hair I tried some hairstyles but none of them worked out which got me irritated fuck it lets just wing it I grabbed a rubber band and put my hair up into a messy bun,,I walked into the living room and saw deku mumbling to himself again "your mumbling again" I sat in my chair and took a spoon full of my miso soup "oh sorry y/n" I turned on the tv and scrolled threw some channels "oh yea I'm transferring to your class today" he looked up at me with wide eyes and smile "OH YEA! have you met the students in 1-a or the teacher ohwaitwherewillyousithowwilleveryonereacttosomeonenewintheclass" I sighed and flicked Izuku on the forehead "stop over reacting I'm just gonna be in a Different class no biggy" inko walked out of the kitchen and looked at me with puppy eyes she stared at me for a couple minutes until she hugged me "aww my baby is going to start in the hero course today" I hugged back "your suffocating me" inko quickly let go and looked at me "ugh I'm so proud of my two baby's" she grabbed tissues and started tearing up "soon your both gonna be pro hero's get married and have kids" I chuckled "don't overreact we are  still high schoolers" izuku looked at his phone "yea we're gonna be late high schoolers if we don't get going" I looked at the time oh crap how did time go by so fast izuku and I ran out the door "SEE YOU LATER MOM!" Izuku yelled and kept running.

We arrived at u.a "so like whats 1-a like?" Izuku put his finger on his chin "loud and all of their quirks are amazing" i looked at the building "hmm cool" we both arrived at a big door "here we go" he slid the door open and walked in I walked in after him "MYDORIYA HELLO!" I looked at the guy making weird hang signals what is this man doing the guy looked at me "is that a new student?" I looked at him "no it's Satan" his mouth dropped "hi! I'm ochaco uraraka!" I looked to the side and saw a girl with brown hair introduce herself to me "I'm y/n L/n" she smiled at me, i then saw a yellow caterpillar? Crawling into the class "go take your seats" everyone quickly sat in their seats I was the only one standing "you must be the new student" the black haired guy crawled out the sleeping bag and stood in front of the class "could you introduce yourself to the class" I looked at the class "my names y/n L/n" "okay cool you already know me I'm mister aizawa you can go sit behind todoroki" i looked around   "My quirk isn't mind reading how the fluff am I supposed to know who is todoroki?" Mister aizawa gave me a blank stare and sighed "todoroki can you put your hand up" I saw a guy with red and white hair put his hand up I walked to the seat behind him and sat down "okay today you guys will be picking your internships some of you got some requests and some didn't the ones that have gotten requests can pick out of those and the ones that didn't can just pick any agency" i grabbed my paper and looked over it endeavors agency hmm why not I put down endeavors agency for my internship and passed my paper in...I tapped todoroki on the shoulder he turned around "yes?" Wow his eyes are so pretty "is your hair naturally red and white?" he didn't say anything for a few seconds "yea it's been like this since I was young" wow I wonder if that red mark on his face is a birth mark...nah I don't wanna be to nosey "that's cool,are your eyes naturally that color to?" He nodded "wow you have nice features" he didn't say anything and just turned back around.

"Y/n!" I turned around to see izuku and his two friends "oh hey izuku" "are you getting comfortable??" I grabbed the pocky I had in my pocket "mhm" I then saw a pink girl walk up to me "HI Y/N IM MINA" she shook my hand very aggressively i chuckled "nice to meet you Mina" she took out her phone "LETS EXCHANGE NUMBERS I WANNA GET TO KNOW YOU BETTER!" I smiled and took her phone and typed my number in it "ILL MAKE SURE TO INVITE YOU FOR BOBA ON THE WEEKEND" I laughed "I'm looking forward to it" she smiled and went back to her seat I then saw a blonde guy with a bolt in his hair "HEY Y/N IM DENKI I HOPE WE CAN BE GOOD FRIENDS" I was surprised on how friendly and energetic everyone is in this class "yea same" i looked at the guy that was making the weird hand signals "oh hey hand guy" he looked at me confused "UHM my name is tenya iida I'm 1-a's class president and it's very nice to meet you y/n" wow what a speech "uhh hi iida nice to meet you to"

TIME SKIP- BC I'm lazy :P

"Ughhh Im so hungry" izuku kept walking "that's what you get for skipping out on lunch" i grabbed dekus arm "DONT BE SO MEAN TO YOUR BIG SISTER" I dramatically fell on izuku "your only a few months older than me" I wiped a fake tear away "anyways let's talk about your little crush" Izuku turned bright red "huh-wha-um-what-little crush haha haha" he tried covering his face with his hands "oh shush don't lie to me I can clearly tell you have a crush on ochaco" he put his face in his hands "is it that obvious" I laughed "very" izuku sighed "I don't even know why I like her it's not like she'd like me back" I chuckled "I guess you both are idiots" we both kept walking "so how do you like 1-a?" I looked up at the sky "they are pretty cool".

Word count: 1112

𝑀𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 (todoroki x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now