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I woke up to my alarm ringing ugh stupid ass alarm i yawned and walked to the bathroom I started brushing my teeth oh yea today Shoto and I are gonna make a song together...I'm looking forward to after school after I was finished brushing my teeth I took a shower and then put my uniform on I grabbed a scrunchy and put my hair into a messy bun with two pieces of hair out,,I walked out my room and sat down at the table "good morning izuku" izuku was on his phone "oh good morning y/n" I smirked "aww are you texting your girlfriend" he looked up and blushed "s-shut up" I laughed and started eating my breakfast "mom can I go to a friends house today?" Inko was washing the dishes "mhm sure but don't be out to late" I nodded and looked at the time "izuku we should get going school starts in 10" he looked up from his phone and looked at the clock then stuffed his phone inside his pocket and grabbed his backpack "okay mom see you later!" I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket "bye bye mom" I closed the door and ran to catch up with izuku.

In class 1-A

I was talking with Mina about what happen during her date "miss gurl- he did not" Mina put her hands on her face "he did AND IT WAS SO HOT AAAAAAA" I sighed "you got it bad" she looked at me confused "I got what bad?" I sighed again "nvm" i saw ochako walk up to me "y/n thank you very much without you I wouldn't be dating deku" I laughed "it's okay just take care of him for me" before she walked off I whispered something to her "and just like I told him I want 2 nieces and 3 nephews" she turned bright red and walked away I laughed and sat back down "oh y/n wanna-" Mina was cut off by sero hugging her from behind "oh fucks naw see this is what we not gonna do" sero let go of Mina "do what?" I put my hands up and waved it around Mina and sero "all this lovey dovey stuff " Mina laughed and gave sero a kiss on the cheek "not in front of my desk" they both laughed and walked to their desks,,i saw shoto reading something so I Decided to annoy him And sat on his desk "hellooo shotoooo" he looked up and back down to his book "hello y/n" I stared at him for a few seconds "whatcha reading?" He flipped a page "a book" I just sat there in silence until he said something "I sent my address to you did you get it?" I smiled "mhm! Wait is it okay for me to come over because I don't wanna cause trouble" he shook his head "it's alright my father is out until Wednesday and my brother is out so it's only me and my sister" i was super exited "I wanna hear you play the piano" he put his head down and smiled "ohohohohoho Is that a smile I see~" he turned his head to the side "I don't know what your talking about" I laughed and went back to my seat "I'll be at your place like at 4:50" he nodded and went back to reading his book.

AFTER CLASS - bc I'm just lazy :P

I walked home with izuku, "izuku" he didn't pay attention "I z u k u" he still didn't answer me "IZUKU!" He snapped out of it and looked at me "huh what?" I rolled my eyes "Moms not gonna be home and I'm going to shotos house so your gonna be home alone don't do dumb shit" he sighed "I'm not the type of person to do that" I stared at him in disbelief "so you weren't the one who broke all his bones to make his class mate use his other quirk?" He didn't say anything "yea that's what I thought" we then kept walking and finally arrived at the house,,I walked in and headed straight toward the bathroom I took a shower and picked my outfit out and brushed my hair out cool I look decent I checked the time it was 4:30 I had 20 minutes till I had to go to shotos house.

A/n-you know I gotta show y/n's outfit to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A/n-you know I gotta show y/n's outfit to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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I decided to text Mina.


MINA! I'm supposed to be going to shotos house today to do something and I'm maddd nervous 🧚‍♀️✨


That's a long story but n e waysss WHY AM I SO NERVOUS?

Uhhh isn't it a obvious you like him idiot🧍🏽‍♀️



Then why are you so nervous hmm? Must be because you like the guy

Ugh idk 👹 wait can you tell me if this outfit is
decent enough


(Sends pic of outfit)


Thank you thank you *tips fedora* 🤡✌🏼

LMAOOO okay okay what time are you supposed to meet him?

At 5:00 👩🏽‍🦯


I looked at the time.



I grabbed my bag house keys and phone and ran out the house.


I knocked on shotos door,,I heard some footsteps and then the door was opened by a girl? "Oh hello you must be shotos friend right?" I nodded and then she smiled "I'm shotos sister" I smiled back "I'm y/n" she then signaled for me to come in "shoto is in his room" she showed me the way to shotos room,,she then knocked on his door "hey shoto your friend is here" the door slid open and Shoto was standing there "oh y/n come in" I walked in and looked around wow it's so clean Shoto closed the door "you can sit anywhere" I took a seat and looked at Shoto "so where do you wanna start?" He stayed quite for awhile "I um I've been working on this for awhile but I never could come up with lyrics "can I hear it?" he nodded "we have to go to my moms room though that's where my piano is" I nodded and followed shoto to his moms room it's really clean in here to,,I saw shoto sit on the piano and put his fingers on the keys.

A/n-the video is what he's basically playing 🎶

His playing is so "so how was it?..." I looked at him "do you have some paper I could borrow?" He looked confused "yea sure" he passed me some paper and a pencil i then wrote down the title of the song "love is gone?" I nodded "it was the first thing to pop into my head" he nodded and then we spent the rest of the time talking and coming up with lyrics to the song.

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