The new girl?

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IN 1-A

"okay okay so how about asking him out to dinner" he glared at me "dumb ass he would probably know once i ask him" i rolled my eyes "how about me sero denki and mina go with yall so it don't look sus" he nodded "first off your gonna need a suit" he looked at me "what's wrong with the clothes i wear now" i laughed "no offense but you look like you work at a gas station with the clothes you wear" he tried to punch me but i dodged and ran to my seat i could see him 'tch' at me.

"hey shoto" i was tapping shoto on the shoulder repeatedly "yes?"  i smiled "let's have lunch together" he looked at me in silence "okay" i really just want to i grabbed shoto's ear "OW OW OW y/n what are you doing?!" i laughed "i'm sorry I JUST HAD TO" i laughed and let go of his ear.

I saw mr aizawa walk in "hello let's get this over with" he stepped to the side "you can come in now" i saw a long light blonde haired girl with white tips and blue eyes walk into the classroom "hello everyone! my names yua takahashi nice to meet you all!" i didn't really pay attention to her because i was busy trying to come up the restaurant we should go to "um excuse me?" i looked up to see the new girl standing there "what?" she smiled at me "um mr aizawa said i should sit here but umm...i don't wanna kick you out your own seat" i saw her grin a little but then she put on a little pouty face "yea find another seat this is my seat" i saw her put her head down "i'm really sorry it's just mr aizawa told me to sit here" i looked over to mr aizawa and he signaled for me to move i got up and let the new girl sit down "am i supposed to sit in the air or something?" i saw mina wave at me to come sit with her,,she moved a little to just give me enough space to sit down "ugh i hate the new girl already" i sighed and laid my head on mina's shoulder "i agree she isn't a bad bitch at all" i laughed at denkis comment "she looks like cedric the entertainer" i laughed hard at what bakugo said "anyways class" we all  turned to the front and focused on class.



"please i'm literally so tired" i grabbed onto mina "i want lunch like now" we were walking to the cafeteria to get our lunches "miss gurl when i tell you i had to repaint my nails because i kept picking at them" denki showed us his nails that were repainted horribly "DENKS- PFFT OMG WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR NAILS" i laughed really hard "i was trying to be a baddie but NOOOO MY NAILS HAD TO GET FUCKED UP" i was wheezing at this point.

We walked into the cafeteria and got our lunches "i'll see y'all after lunch" "okay see ya y/n!" i walked off to find shoto,,i finally saw him sitting with deku iida and ochako "SHOTO!" i saw him turn to look at me as i sat next to him "helloooo" he dabbed his mouth with a napkin "hello y/n" i laughed "your so sophisticated" he looked at me "it's better than eating with your hands" i dramatically acted offended "wow shoto i thought we were friends THE BETRAYAL" he laughed "okay so when do you-" he was caught off by the NEW GIRL?! "TODOROKI~" i looked up to see the new girl walk up to this table "oh hi y/n what are you doing here" she smiled at me but i could see she was faking.

 "i'm eating lunch with shoto" i could tell she wanted me to move "ahh so i guess i'll eat with someone else then" she made that fake ass pouty face again "you may sit on the other seat next to mydoria" she shook her head "no no i don't wanna be a bother" bitch- you already are "anyways shoto wanna go to a" i was interrupted by her "uhm- so yea i'm gonna go sit by myself now" didn't she just- nvm  i saw shoto look at me then whisper  "i feel bad maybe we could eat lunch together tomorrow" it kinda hurt me that he was basically telling me to move and let new girl sit down "sorry i'm busy tomorrow and the day after that" i grabbed my lunch and walked to mina's table.

"y/n? what happened aren't you supposed to be eating with shoto" i sighed and laid on mina's lap "he ditched me for new girl" denki stabbed the meat on his lunch plate "he did not that" i interrupted denki "denks it's fine if he want's to hang out with her he can" i saw bakugou stand up "what are you doing" he growled "i'm gonna blow that icy hot bastard to hell" i laughed "it's okay chill" he rolled his eyes and sat back down "sooo i was thinking why don't we all go to a fancy dinner" i heard denki stand up and squeal "BYE IV"E BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE TURN IT UP!" i laughed,,everyone agreed "okay denks i want you to help out bakugou kirishima and sero pick out their outfits" i then sat up "and i'll help mina pick out her outfit" all of us agreed and kept eating our lunches.

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