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Today was izukus date with ochaco since yesterday at the boba shop he asked her out "izuku let me see what your wearing" i heard izuku open the door to let me in I walked at him and looked at him up and down "what in the Barneys warehouse sale is this" he looked confused "what?" I sighed "sit down I'm picking an outfit out for you" he sat down watching me pick out an outfit for him "okay put this on and I'll wait outside" I walked out the room and waited a couple minutes for him to finish trying on the outfit "see this is so much better".

A/N- this is what izukus outfit basically looks like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Okay now go put some colon on" he walked back to his room to put colon on and then walked back "okay I think your ready" he looked at himself in the mirror "wow I look pretty good, I hope uraraka likes it" I pretended to wipe a tear away "my poor...

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"Okay now go put some colon on" he walked back to his room to put colon on and then walked back "okay I think your ready" he looked at himself in the mirror "wow I look pretty good, I hope uraraka likes it" I pretended to wipe a tear away "my poor baby is all grown up and going to ride into the sunset with another girl" he laughed "y/n you sound like mom" I punched him slightly on the arm "okay do you think she will like me?" I could tell he was nervous "ugh izuku you look fabulous I mean I did style you give me some credit" he chuckled and played with his fingers "uhh do you think I should bring her something or?" I patted his head "hmm no it's okay your gonna go to dinner together right?" He looked at me "yea?" I smiled "so then you can just pay for the food or buy her something nice after the dinner" he hugged me "thank you y/n your really helping me" I hugged him back "ofc your my little brother I gotta look out for you" he let go and smiled at me "okay Im gonna head out now" I gave him one last hug "okay have fun wear protection!" He blushed "Y-Y/N!" I laughed and waved goodbye,,I then sat on the couch "one more couple to get together" I opened my phone and texted Mina.


Mina I have a plan so you and sero can start going out!


Yea wanna hear it?


Okay so basically I already made y'all a reservation at this restaurant and I already told sero about this yesterday so all you need to do is dress up and go to the address ima send you and make sure to ask the guy out while your there 🧚‍♀️✨

I- HOW THE HECK DID YOU COME UP WITH THIS SO FAST?!? okay okay nvm but I need your help can you come over and help me choose an outfit?

MHM! Sure send me your address I'll be there in 10

I put my phone down and put on my shoes then grabbed the house keys and my phone I walked out my house and locked the door,,I then started walking towards minas house.


i rung the doorbell and heard running "Y/N!" Mina hugged me then pulled me in her house "so what's the outfit you got planned out" she showed me the outfit and I sighed "okay we are just gonna" I threw the clothes on the floor and opened her closet "okay this...and and this okay put this on" she nodded and grabbed the clothes and went to change,,I waited a couple minutes for her to come out "y/n how do I look?" I turned around "BYE YOUR SO PRETTY SORRY FOR BREATHING YOUR AIR" she laughed "stop but seriously do you think he will like it?" I pushed her to a mirror "mhm look how pretty you are he's totally gonna fall head over heels for you" she laughed and hugged me "thank youuuu" I hugged back "your welcomeeeee".

A/n- you know I gotta show minas outfit to so here you go ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i looked at the time "i called a taxi to pick you up sero should already be at the restaurant" mina teared up a little "omg whats wrong" she started fanning her face and chuckled a little "your doing so much for me and its just so" she laughed "th...

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i looked at the time "i called a taxi to pick you up sero should already be at the restaurant" mina teared up a little "omg whats wrong" she started fanning her face and chuckled a little "your doing so much for me and its just so" she laughed "thank you y/n this means a lot to me" i rubbed her back "its okay you don't need to cry" i hear a car beeping outside "okay that's probably your taxi go get ya manz" i walked out the house with her "BYE Y/N!!" i saw her wave at me from the taxi "MAKE SURE TO FILL ME IN LATER!!" she laughed "OFC TEXT YOU LATER!!" and with that the taxi drove off,, i started walking to my favorite coffee shop i love this place it's so quite and i can just sit down and use my phone peacefully i walked into the coffee shop and to my surprise shoto was sitting down drinking tea i walked up to his table "shoto?" he looked up from his book "oh hey y/n" i stared at him for a few seconds "do you wanna sit?" i nodded and sat on the chair across from shoto "so what are you doing here?" he took a sip of his tea and looked up "i'm here because someone recommended this place to me" i saw him flip the page to his book "do you like it so far?"  he nodded "do you come here often" i looked out the window "yea this is my favorite place to be at" we stayed silent for awhile "is the tea good?" shoto put his tea down "its really good i'll probably come often" i smiled "i'd like that".

"y/n do you have any siblings?" i looked up from my phone "yea izuku" he closed his book "mydoriya? i thought he had no blood related siblings" i put my hood on and looked at my phone "yea i was adopted by izukus mom so i'm not actually blood related to him" shoto stayed quite for a few minutes "i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" i looked up and raised my eyebrow "you didn't" shoto looked at me " you mind if i ask more questions?" i smiled "only if i get to ask you questions after" he nodded "where are your biological parents?" i turned my phone off and stretched my arms "i never met my dad and my mom passed away 6 years ago" shoto frowned "i'm sorry i'm being insensitive aren't i" i smiled "it's okay you aren't i actually like talking to you" he seemed surprised "oh okay" i saw him turn his head and SMILE?! okay now i know i'm not crazy because i just saw him smile  shoto turned back "um if you don't mind me asking how did your mom pass away?.." i took my hood off "she died in a villain accident" i started to tear up because i noticed how much i missed my mom..."oh and wh-" he stopped mid sentence and looked at me "y/n?..are you okay?" i wiped away my tears with my sleeve "yea i'm okay" i saw shoto stand up from his seat and kneel down next to me "hey y/n what's wrong?..." i looked up to see shoto with a concerned look on his face "its pretty stupid.." i laughed then started to tear up again "it can't be stupid if it has you in tears" tears started to fall and i covered my face with my hands "y/ me your face" i felt shoto's hands grab my arm and pull them away from my face "tell me what's wrong y/n..."  i started crying harder "um...i m-miss my m-mom" when i finish that sentence i broke into tears shoto hugged me and rubbed my back it was comforting...

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