The stars🌌

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it was the next day and I just finished school,, "y/n I'm going to hand out at uraraka's" i nodded and put my headset on,I saw izuku walk out the house and close the door behind him "UGHH YOU FUCKING COP" I threw my control at the wall and took my head set off and graves my phone.


Are you coming yet?

Yea I'm walking to your house right now.

Okay see you here ❤️

Mhm see you there❤️

I reread that text at least 100 times did he just send a heart BACK?! I put my phone down and took a deep breath,, OKAY BUT LIKE HE SENT A HEART BACK- I grabbed a pillow and screamed in it ugh why is this bothering me so much I laid on my couch just looked at the ceiling.

I was playing some video games before I heard someone knock on my door that must be shoto I opened the door and shoto was standing on the other side with a piano case "come in!" I let him come in and told him to sit,,i grabbed us some snacks and drinks and sat down "so what do you have in mind?" I saw him open up his piano case and put it on his lap "I actually came up with the piano instrumental...and I wanted to see if you liked it" I smiled "okay play it please and thank you" he nodded and got his electric piano out.

(Time skip to when shoto is done playing the instrumental)

How does he come up with all these instrumentals- "that was amazing!" i saw him put his piano down on his lap "thanks you...but i don't know if i want to add a little bit of guitar to it" i stood up on my couch "I AM HERE TO HELP SHOTO WITH HIS INSTRUMENTAL" i saw him laugh "awww you should laugh my often" he avoided eye contact with me " you have any lyrics in mind?.." i smiled and took out my notebook "your instrumental is soothing but also sad" i grabbed a pencil and started writing some lyrics down "okay which one do you like most?" i saw him take a look at my notebook and he pointed at the second lyric i wrote down "oooo okay! so what should be the title of the song?" he looked up and thought for a few seconds " were good to me" i wrote it down in my notebook "is there a reason it says 'you were'" he looked at his piano "not really" hmm i don't believe him but i don't want to be nosey  "okay so do you wanna help me with the lyrics?" he nodded and then we started coming up with some lyrics.

"ughhh i'm tireddd" i rolled around on the couch "then sleep i'll finish the rest of the lyrics" i turned to shoto "I GOT A BETTER IDEA!" he turned to me "what idea?" i closed my notebook and pointed outside "LETS GO SEE THE STARS!" he looked outside and looked back at me "sure" i jumped around "okay you wait here i'm going to grave a jacket" i ran to my room and looked through my closet this will do i graved my jacket and ran back to shoto "I'M READY!!" i saw shoto standing at the door "oh okay let's go" i nodded and then we both walked at the house.


"WAAAA LOOK AT THE STARS SHOTO!"  i saw shoto look to where i was pointing "wow it is pretty" i jumped up "I KNOW RIGHT!" i walked to the grass and sat down "come on" i patted the seat next to me,,he sat down and looked up "do you do this often?" i shook my head "nope this is like the uhhh....3rd time iv'e been here since my mom passed" he looked at me " and your mom watched the stars together?" i smiled and looked at shoto "mhm! mom used to sit with me in our backyard and watch the stars with me" shoto crossed his legs and looked back at the stars "if you don't mind me asking can you tell me how your mom was like?..." i smiled and laid on the grass "she was the best,she would always sing to me while we watched the was the best...she was my hero...i wanted to be just like her,, she was so smiley and happy...she made my life worth the while.." i didn't realize i had tears running down my face "haha i guess i'm as sensitive as ever" i stood up and wiped the grass off my sweats.

"i'm going to get some fresh air" i tried walking away but i felt someone grab my arm "y/n we are outside...and i can see you crying" i wiped my tears "i'm not crying" i felt shoto hug me "y/n it's okay i know you miss your mom..." i hugged shoto back and broke into tears ugh it's the second time he's seen me cry.

(10 minutes later)

"y/n are you calm yet?..." i was clinging onto shoto "mhm" i felt him pat my back "let's sit down i wanna show you something" i nodded and we both laid on the grass "what do you wanna show me?" i saw shoto point at some stars "you see that...that right there is aquila" i looked to where he was pointing "aquila?.." i saw him nod "yea if you connect the stars it makes a eagle" i connected the stars with my finger "YOUR RIGHT!" he chuckled and pointed somewhere else "and that one is delphinus" i looked at where he was pointing "that one looks like a...DOLPHIN!" he put his hands behind his head "your right" i looked at the stars "you really know a lot about stars" he stayed silent for a moment "my mom was the one who taught me about the constellations" i was about to say something but i decided to mind my business "y/n" i looked at shoto "yessss" i saw him look at me "______________" i heard fireworks go off and i turned to look at them "WOWWW shoto look at the fireworks!" i saw shoto sit up and look at the sky "why are they setting off fireworks right now-?" i smiled "someone probably got asked out and the guy made a big gesture" i saw shoto look at me but then he looked back at the sky "congrats to them" i stood up and yelled "CONGRATS MAY YOU LIVE HAPPILY WITH EACH OTHER!"  i laughed and looked at shoto "y/n your very enthusiastic" i smiled at him "THANK YOU MY DEAR SHOTO" i bowed i heard him laugh "your welcome".

come to think of it shoto was trying to tell me something just now...should i ask...NAHHH it's proabablt not important "y/n hurry up your so behind" i started running to shoto
"IT"S BECAUSE YOUR WALKING SO FAST!" today was fun i hope i can see the stars with shoto again.

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