Good/bad day 😀

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"dude i hate you for getting kiri and Bakugou together like miss gurl look" denki points at kirishima and Bakugou making out "ew- I mean at least my ship sailed" I chuckled "I- ma'am you have made two horny teen boys date" I stood there "welp- I fucked up" Denki burst out laughing "omg s" I was Interrupted with someone grabbing my shoulder "huh?" I looked behind me and it was the new girl.

"What" she smiled and shoved a paper into my face "I'm sorry but you're being expelled from u.a" I was in shock and grabbed the paper "y/n L/n you are now- huh what the hell is this?!" She smiled "the school says you are to troublesome" I looked more shocked "HOW TF AM I TROUBLESOME I HAVENT CAUSED ANY TROUBLE?!?" She smirked and whispered "it was all thanks to my daddy and his power" when she said that I lost it I made a knife and then put it against her throat "I am 0.1 seconds away from slitting your fuckin throat i am done holding back you're a fuckin spoiled brat" Denki grabbed my arm "y/n! Calm down if you do something to her you'll be in serious trouble let's be calm about this!" I didn't listen and started pushing the knife closer to her throat "Y/N! DONT DO IT DUMBASS YOULL GET IN TROUBLE CALM TF DOWN NOW!!" I didn't care what anyone had to say I was over this bitches bs.

"Y/n" I heard shotos voice from behind me "what" he grabbed my arm and gently put it down "don't do this just calm down okay we can ask the teachers if this is true or not" I don't know how or I don't know why but shoto calmed me down "okay" I saw her tremble "h-hah d-dont mess w-w-with me!" Shoto looked back at her "takahashi please stfu you're very annoying" i snickered at shotos comment.

"so do we just sit till mister aizawa comes so we can ask him?" Shoto nodded "oh look he's here already" I turned to see aizawa walk in with papers and a new student? "Before we begin y/n" I sighed "I'm expelled aint I" aizawa looked kinda guilty but he nodded, i grabbed my bag and walked out of class.

I went to the office left my student Id and everything, I then walked out and started walking back home.

5 HOURS LATER (at home)

I was on my couch thinking on which high school I should transfer to "ugh I want ice cream" I heard the door open "izuku can you get me ice cre" I stopped mid sentence when I saw bakugou,kirishima,Mina,sero,Denki,izuku and shoto standing there "um hi?" I felt arms wrap around me "OMG Y/N YOU SCARED ME WHEN YOU JUST LEFT AND DIDNT SAY ANYTHING" I laughed then patted minas back "it's okay Mina I'm fine" I then felt bakugou punch my shoulder "OW!" He growled "don't ever fuckin do that dumbass" I chuckled "okay" sero and kirishima were just asking me if I was okay "BAHAH IM OKAY DAMN" they sighed in relief "Denki you can stop now" Denki rolled his eyes "dude you scared me I thought you was gonna go feral and kill miss bitches dad" I smiled "that's not a bad idea" he laughed then hugged me "glad you're okay hoe" I flipped my hair jokingly "thank you~" i then saw shoto walk up to me and hug me "if you're gonna leave like that at least text me that you're fine" I blushed and hugged back "I'm sorry" he stroked my head "it's fine" I heard coughing "UHM UHM that's enough love birds" I let go of shoto and laughed.

We spent a few hours just watching movies and talking.

"okay this person is always angry and they are a 5 year old toddler that has tantrums all the time" izuku laughed "hahhahaha is it kachhan?" Mina laughed "yea IDGSJE" I laughed and saw bakugou get red from anger "WATCH WHAT YOU SAY!!" We all laughed and continued to the next rounds.

"Okay We'll come visit you tomorrow" I nodded "okay adios hoes" everyone left except for shoto "y/n ima go take a shower I'll be out in 1 hour" i snickered "are you having a meeting in there?" he scoffed "no anyways see ya" izuku walked off to the bathroom.

"So why are you still here?" Shoto took something out of his pocket "close your eyes for me please" I raised my eyebrow but didn't question it and closed my eyes "okay so what are you doing?" I felt his hands putting something around my neck "you can open your eyes now" I opened my eyes and looked down to see a light blue butterfly necklace " I can't accept this" I tried taking it off but he grabbed my hands "it's a gift for you please accept it" I sighed and nodded "fine but why did you give this to me?" He kissed my hand and looked at me "because you're special to me" i covered my face with my hands "ughhhh" my face felt hot, and I looked up "y/n if you ever need anything I'm here just ft me or call me I promise I'll answer as fast as possible" I had no words no one has ever said that to me "stop...shoto you're gonna make me cry your so nice to me and for what" he chuckled and hugged me "I'm sorry but it's the truth" I buried my face into his chest I guess today was a good/bad day.

A/N- uhm this was a late update but from now ima be updating more frequently ✌🏼🌝 oh and I wanted to show the necklace bc I'm extra 😗

A/N- uhm this was a late update but from now ima be updating more frequently ✌🏼🌝 oh and I wanted to show the necklace bc I'm extra 😗

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