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The next day

"UGHH I AM SO BORED!" I face planted on my bed "I wonder how's school going for everyone" I grabbed my phone and texted mom.

Beautiful mommy🤩

mom can you make soba when you get home?

Beautiful mommy🤩:
Mhm! I'll be back at like around 6

Oh yea my friend coming over we are making a song together🥸

Beautiful mommy🤩
Lmao 😆🤣 boy or girl? 👀

Boy 🌝🤡✌🏼

Beautiful mommy🤩
Omg😆 I see my little y/n is already a big girl and has a boyfriend 👁💧👄💧👁

MOM HES A F R I E N D 💀🤦🏻‍♀️

Beautiful mommy🤩:
Mhm sure okay I have to go see you later alligator 🐊 💚

Okay see you later 🐊💚

Beautiful mommy🤩:
omg i forgot tell izuku mommy has a gift for him😩✌🏼

Okay 🌝 and where are you learning about all these emojis 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️

Beautiful mommy🤩:
One of my coworkers kids showed me them 🧘🏽‍♀️

I- okay then see ya love ya💚🐊

Beautiful mommy🤩:
Love you to🐊💚

I closed my phone "ima just take a nap" I put an alarm for 4:30 and then fell asleep.





i woke up to izuku and Mina In front of me "huh what time is it" I yawned and then looked at Mina "it's 4:20" i covered myself with the blanket "I still have 10 more minutes good night" I then felt someone pull the sheets off me "get up dumbass we have tea" it was bakugou "omg fine" I sit up and saw kirishima denki sero and shoto just sitting on the floor "uhm so why are all of you in my room" Mina sat on my bed "that's not important whats important is that we have some tea AND I MEAN THAT SIZZLING HOT TEA" I laughed "then spill bish"

"Okay so right shoto was just casually talking to deku and iida and then miss bitch decides to interrupt them, and then she was all like "shoto will you be my boyfriend?" And then we all gasped because yk we was surprised and then shoto was all like "no" and everyone started wheezing because she got rejected and then miss gurl had a tantrum worse than bakugous tantrums" I laughed "mhm keep going" she started laughing "and th-th-then BAHHAAH OKAY OKAY and then she was all like "shoto I have black mail on you and I'm not afraid to use it!" And then Everyone started dying again and shoto was like "okay and? Idc anymore I'm not dating your spoiled ass please stop causing so much trouble" and that's when the whole class started rolling PLS I WAS SENT TO ORBIT" I started wheezing "pls I wish I could've seen that" Mina smiled "okay now that we've told you the tea we are gonna dip since we know you and shoto have a date" i had no words "i"

A few minutes later

Everyone except shoto had left.

"Oh right izuku mom said she has a surprise for you" izuku started jumping around "omg I hope it's that rare almight figure I told her about!" I laughed then shooed him away.

"Okay so where did we leave off?" Shoto opened a notebook and pointed at a page "we were on this part" I nodded "mhm okay for this part let's switch the vocals so first it's gonna be you then it's gonna be me" I stayed silent for a little "um my voice isn't as good as yours so no making fun of me" he chuckled "I would never" I smiled "okay let's practice" we were or practice for about an hour and we had some breaks between them.

"I thinks that's good for today!" I closed the notebook and handed it back to shoto "y/n" I looked over to shoto "yes?" He pulled a dvd out of his backpack "I was wondering if you would like to watch this movie with me?" I smiled and grabbed the dvd "sure! I'll put it in" I put the dvd in and then I paused the movie "before we start watching it I'll make some popcorn!" He nodded.

After the movie

"Wow the characters had such good developments" shoto nodded "mhm and the character design was beautifully made" I stared at my ceiling for awhile until shoto spoke "it feels weird not having you around at school" I was shocked a little but mostly flustered "u-u-um hahaha" he looked at me and reached his arm out "you are very beautiful" at this point my soul had left my body "I-I-I-I" he put some of my hair behind my ear "you are truly gorgeous" I have a officially stopped working.

"Um thank're beautiful to I mean pretty no I mean I-um handsome yea!" He laughed "thank you" I was just sitting there trying to put my soul back into my body "if you don't mind I'd like to take you somewhere sometime" is he talking about a date I- "uh I mean yea if you want" he chuckled "okay I'll pick you up on Saturday around 1 or 2 is that okay?" I nodded "that's fine!" I heard the door unlocking "IM HOMEE~" I looked over "oh hi mom" she looked at me then at shoto "oh I see this is your friend" she stretched her hand out "hello I'm izukus and y/n's mom!" Shoto took her hand "hello I'm shoto todoroki" she smiled and looked back at me "I brought the ingredients for the soba I'll start making it"

A couple minutes later (soba is done)

"Your mom is really nice" I smiled "mhm she really is" she walked in with two bowls of soba "here I made two for you and shoto" she set the bowls in front of us and gave us chopsticks "thank you mom"

"Mhm thank you miss mydoria"

"You welcome shoto!"

After the soba

"Your mom sobas is really good" I laughed "mhm it's the best" shoto grabbed his bag and stood up "well I have to go I'll pick you up around 1 or 2 is that okay?" I nodded "Saturday right?" He smiled "yea I'm lookin forward to it goodnight y/n" I waved at him "goodnight!" He walked out out and closed the door behind him.

"So is that the friend"


"And your going on a date with your friend" she laughed "MOM!" I blushed "lmao it's okay I'm rooting for you guys to get together" I chuckled "thank you and did you just say lmao out loud" she looked confused "isn't that what all the cool kids doing?" I was speechless "I- yea let's just say that" she laughed "okay now miss gurl go to bed it's late" I paused "miss gurl? Okay mom that's enough hanging out with your coworkers daughter" she laughed "Ight now go to sleep" i just stood there "uhm- okay then goodnight mom"

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