Inner Beast

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Short chapter, I hope everyone is  having a good New Years and my treat for you guys is... I'm go to post a special SMUT between any characters of descendants that you want in the comments. I love writing SMUT so sound off you have until 1/5/2021 to let me know :) And I will post it 1/5/2021 as a bonus because you guys made me so happy for a hundred views


"I must apologize to Carlos; It was wrong to do that to him when I knew he was going to the dorm soon after the HeadMistress announce the dorm mates..Fuck" Ben thought angrily as he walks down the hall and sees Carlos leaving Jays' room " Are they together? N-no there both straight, right? " Ben questions himself as he walks to Carlos with a smile.

Carlos POV~

" H-Hey ben! How are you and u-um-" Carlos stammers before finishing his last word as he blushes into his hands, causing me to take hold of the young boy's hand and pull them apart, " Audrey? You mean and yea, were okay, o-oh um and hi! And I'm sorry for last night i-im happy jay was there for you, heh," I say weakly, almost as if I didn't want to believe that Carlos just left Jay's room. But why?.

I just stare into Carlos's eyes, getting lost in the puppy dog, dark brown eyes of his. " Ben..Can you let go?" Carlos says as I slowly pull away, " S-sorry about that!" I stammer before walking away. I looked back to see Jay and Carlos locking lips, and this made me mad; I could feel my inner beast wanting to pounce on Jay for touching Carlos. I shook my head and ran off to the main hallway away from Jay and Carlos. " Benny-Boo Boo! " I hear a loud streak of annoyance as Audrey yells for me. I turn my annoyed look into a smile as I turn to see Audrey 2 steps away from me " Damn she's fast" I thought to myself smiling at her. 

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