The Acceptance

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The city of Auradon is the capital of the United States of Auradon; the city of Auradon was split in half by the poor and rich they called the bottom of Auradon the isle of the lost, which housed the lower-income ( primarily the isle of the lost was the ghetto portion of Auradon; The isle of the lost was a part of the United States of Auradon, it wasn't an island like in the movie ) Many kids from the isle went to Auradon high school which was just a beaten-down version of Auradon prep and a large active place for gang activity, violence, and drug-dealing. The kids from the isle though the kids that went to Auradon perp were rich spoiled kids who wouldn't survive a day in Auradon high school.

" Class! " A voice cut thru the classroom and a wave a silent fall onto the room; a man walks into the old beaten down classroom. He takes his place by the teacher and looks around the beaten-down rusty classroom and the students it held. He slowly takes a paper out of his pocket him doing so made some students antsy in their seats; the isle of the lost taught them to trust nobody. He Finally takes out of paper and looks at it.

" I need the offspring of Cruella De Vil, Maleficent, the Evil Queen, and Jafar; you are the top four students with the most excellent grades in your entire school and have won a fully paid scholarship to auradon prep complementaries of the Beast family. " He says as He quickly dashes out the door, not wanting to be there in the first place.

" Jay, Carlos, Evie, Mal!, You won a free ride to the best school in the whole state! " The teacher says, looking at the Vk's

" Anything to get away from my mother, " Carlos jokes but has a bitter tone behind what he just said.

" Great, we're going to be in a school full of poppies and prissy's, " Jay scoffed, looking at Evie, who is beaming with light.

" Finally, We're going to leave this low life school and met available rich men, " Evie says as mal shoots a glare at her before turning to jay.

" They're now giving us a chance cuz they probably feel bad that they did this to us; I accept the scholarship, but again I agree with Jay I don't want to be in a school full of poppies, " Mal said, " and prissy's " Jay add before turning back looking at Carlos who is beaming with light just like Evie.

. Jay knew that this school was tough on Carlos because he was soft, but they made fun of him in private out of fear for his mother; but still, the rumors about him almost killed him last year; I still wonder if the rumor that he and Henry got together are true-. " JAY! " Carlos calls out, breaking Jay's train of thought. " It's time to go home, " Carlos says as he and the vk's walk to the parking lot.

A group of boys comes up to the vk's " Carlos love ... you and your boyfriend and the two lesbians got into that fancy school now everyone is talking about it, " Henry says, and Jay walks up to henry, balling his fist tight " Look, Carlos boyfriend has to fight for him that's sweet " Henry says trying to push jays button.

" Jay chill; he is trying to get you suspended so you can't go to the school, " Carlos says, pulling jay back. Jay falls back, leaning into a kiss with Carlos. Henry looks at the two boys kissing before opening his mouth.

" What, I just having a little fun, " Henry laughs as the vk's hop into Jay's rusty Nissan and drive away.

Jay puts his hand on Carlos inner thighs, grabbing it tightly, making the white and black haired boy moan softly. Jay and Carlos, we're not dating, just friends with benefits. Jay drives until stopping at mals house, letting Evie and her out, leaving Carlos and jay alone in the car. Jay pulls off, and Carlos's phone rings. He looks down at Carlos as his phone rings.

" C-Carlos, are you going to answer? " Jay softly says to Carlos ( Jay knew who was calling, and Carlos sad puppy eyes said it all )

" It's just ben " Carlos looks out the window.

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