Cry about it later

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" Carlos, he's just another sus gamer boy playing around; you know you guys were not dating. " Jay says, trying to break this fantasy Carlos had about him and ben dating even though ben was just another sus gamer boy having " fun " with the boys.

" I - " Carlos was going to finish his sentence when " Carlos! You had a heated argument with him about having a girlfriend, but yet he wasn't dating you! " Jay yells, very annoyed at his white and black haired friend not letting Carlos finish his sentence. Carlos looks out the window and throws Jay's hand off his thigh; Carlos lets out tears of sadness.

" Carlos! Stop crying...Ben has a girlfriend, plus you won't see him because we're going to be busy at that school all day to play online games " Jay hisses at Carlos; Jay stops at Carlos house and lets him out " Remember we're going to that fancy school tomorrow, I'll pick Evie and mal up so I might be a little late " Jay yells as Carlos runs inside. You can see tears fall as Carlos runs inside, Jay drives off.

Carlos walks into the house to see his drunk dad passed out on the sofa with beer bottles surrounded by him; Ever since Carlos mother or Cruella DeVille left him and his father to pursue her dream of being a global fashion designer, Carlos dad lost their house in The city of Auradon and had to move to the isle and his father was forced to watch his mother become a celebrity, world-renowned multibillion-dollar global fashion designer; To ease the pain he started drinking and passing out until he drinks himself to an early grave; Carlos grew just to hate his mother, but Every month she would send Carlos her latest fashions and money.

Carlos sit's on his bed, slowly getting up, and goes to grab his camera. He took a job at the house of De Vil, His mother's company; He only did it for the money, But today was different. Instead of crying, he posted the pictures he took, some shirtless and some showing his fine masculine body and some with pants tight on him, hugging his curves just right. He sends the picture to Cruella, and she writes back, " Wonderful Darling " He reads it and puts his headset on and Turns his sadness into anger, and took it out on people as he got kill's on many players.

Ben joins his match and connects to Carlos's headset.

" Carlos, did I do something wrong? The other day you started yelling about something, but I didn't hear you because Audrey was ranting about a boyfriend tag, and today Jay calls me asking me to talk to you, " Ben asked, Concerned but pushing for answers. 

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