New dorm mate

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Does touch on sex, Not really but warning 

** Time skip to the school**

The Vk's pull up in front of the school; They look up to see a castle with blue and white pillars, with wooden arched ways.

" wow, " Evie and Carlos say in sync.

They walk in to join a crowd of people when someone with brown hair, green eyes, and a golden smile comes up to them, followed by him was a pink head girl with a pink dress mixed with blue they were clearly matching.

" Welcome to Auradon prep; my name is Benjamin Beast; The sole heir to the Beast Fortune, " He says proudly " ahem! " The pink head girl said, causes ben to jump " U-um this is Audrey her grandmother Sleeping Beauty developed a sleeping agent that worked wonders for all, " He says as he looks down at Carlos, who is ruby red trying to hide his face because the once sus gamer boy is standing in front of him.

" Hi? Your name is-" Ben says as Evie cuts him off " Well, theirs me Evie then Mal, Jay, and the red boy is Carlos" Carlos looks up at Ben and smiles.

" So your de vil Los?" Ben says. Carlos looks at him, confused, " Your tag name?" Ben says, and Carlos' face lights up, and Ben laughs.

" Ben, let's show them their dorms," Audrey says, clearly annoyed; Ben hasn't laughed like that in years, But all it took was for this boy to become confused to make him laugh, Audrey thought to herself she put on a fake smile, and a voice comes over them reading who will share a dorm with whom. " Evie and Mal" Evie hugged mal, but mal could care less " Jay and harry hook" Jay looks behind him to see harry hook standing there making kissing faces at him; she Continues to read when she finally reads " Ben and Carlos, remember the dorms are temporary, You can be moved!" She says as they spread out. Carlos is hot and sweating and red; he had a dorm with ben; BEN! The Vk's laugh at him, but he ignores it and walks to his dorm.

He opens the door to see Audrey riding Ben, and They moan together before Ben looks at Carlos; Ben gets up and runs to Carlos naked. " Look, I'm sorry, I thought the door was locked p-please understand" Ben tries to reason with Carlos, but Carlos is heartbroken; he still has this Mindset of a fantasy of him, and Ben play is quickly pulled out of it and says, "It's fine but ill just go to jays room," Carlos says he stays at jays room all night and ended the night with Carlos crying that later turned to sex 

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