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Every Saturday I will be updating the story so now that you guys got my schedule if I don't update on Saturday then Sunday But no later than Monday :P

Ben: " No...It's not like that...I'm gay, well, secretly, but it was already arranged, and if my father finds out everything I worked hard for and the long nights would be for nothing, " Ben confesses, getting a shocked look from everyone.

Ben POV~

Ben looks at Jay, then Carlos. "I know you're gay too; I saw the kiss," Ben whisper into Carlos' ear, causing him to turn from a crimson red to an embarrassed look. Jay glared at Carlos and mouths, " Let's go," Evie looks up then down, clearly disturbed as Jay and Carlos leave. " Something Wrong, Evie?" I was concerned about her sudden mood change, so I questioned her on the topic. " Hm..Oh..um-" " She's just shocked from the news you just told us," Mal says, Obviously covering up with her friend, but I wanted to know why. Why did they leave so quickly?

I raise a brow at both of them as they share a look then look back at me.

" Well, this was nice, and we-we have to go...To the dorm to study yea study," Evie continues, " So um yea bye Ben," They both quickly spring out their seats and leave the lunchroom and leaving me alone.


" Evie, you really played that one off nicely; now I bet he doesn't think anything suspicious is going on," I say sarcastic and snarky " I'm sorry.." Evie looks down then precedes to walk before she crashes face forward into a pale skinned light blonde-haired boy. I laugh, not once trying to help either of them up.

Evie POV

" I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bone rush into you. I have been having a long day and-" I start " It's fine. The names Aster Of Arendelle, son of Elsa the Snow Queen," He says cutting me off 

 The names Aster Of Arendelle, son of Elsa the Snow Queen," He says cutting me off 

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as he looks me in my eyes; his eye are blue and cold as the deepest sea but warm as the sun, and his rosy cheeks are the only real color you see on his pale skin, I just stare in his eye when I see snow start to fall onto me. And a delicate and soft snowflake-shaped like a heart forms from his hands and flutters towards me. " For you since we all have bad days maybe this will cheer you up , " Aster says in a cold but heartfelt tone. Mal makes a barfing emote at us, but I Ignore her as my face light's up in crimson red tone as the snowflake turns to ice, and he hands me the iced snowflake " Evie, I want you to wear this at tonight's charity event; I know this might be a little rush, but if you wear this tonight it will tell me if you like me or not, I won't waste my time if you don't." Aster says as he looks at something coldly as the snow that surrounded him starts to disappear. I go to speak, unsure what I'm going to say or even ask until a loud erie voice cuts my train of thought " Prince Aster Jackson Overland Frost Of Arendelle! You know magic is prohibited even if you're a royal !" a boy with blue eyes, brown hair with a hint of white, freckles and the Royal suit on with white gloves up to Aster, Mal and I. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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