The Kiss

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" Benny, I need to know what suit you're wearing to the charity event hosted by your parents in their company building tonight," Audrey says as she tries to regain Ben's eye contact. However, I'm still too busy thinking about the kiss I witnessed between Jay and Carlos moments before " Benjamin Florian Adam Beast! " Audrey screeches at me, causing me to jump as I look down, and my face sours, but I quickly muster up a fake smile at my newly angered girlfriend. " Ah-...I-..I'm wearing a classic blue suit to fit in with the rest of the people that were making the charity for," I say in response, trying to get my mind back on the right track. To be honest, this charity is about raising money for rich people to become even richer instead of helping the poor or people like Carlos and Jay. I started to trail off in thought when my phone vibrates in my pocket, knocking me back into reality " Okay, Well I sent you my dress; check your phone, my prince," Audrey motioning me to check my phone; I pull it out and unlock it and see the dress she was talking about. 


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 I stared at it and then looked up at her " Audrey, Sorry I didn't see your text and it's a charity event, not a red carpet event; a simple blue gown would have been the better choice, " I groaned. She went to say something when the bell rang, and she ran off to class.


School went by pretty fast, and now it was lunch ( I'm going to write it in text style because why not)

Ben walked over to the VK's, sitting alone as the other Auradon kids looked at them as if they were less than.

Ben:" Hey, gang! How are you?" He said with a smile before his face turns to Jay and Carlos, and he goes from a smile to a sour, deflated look

Jay: "Gang?" the son of Jafar says coldly, insinuating that they weren't friends nor pals.

Carlos: " Jay!, And Hey Ben, " Carlos says as he playful pushes Jay and then smiles at Ben as a bright red consumes The sole heir to the Beast Fortune's face ( aka ben )

Mal: " Sup, so benny boo, you don't like my dress?" She asked in a loud streak of annoyance, Clearly mocking Audrey. Ben laughs as he finally sits down next to Evie, who was too busy touching up her make-up to notice the conversation that was going on.

Jay: " She must ride well for you to put up with her, " Jay says as Carlos looks at him than at Ben, who was looking down at his food and then back up.

Ben: " No..It's not like that...I'm gay...

Cliff Hanger :P

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