Chapter eight

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You slowly opened your eyes and looked around the room you were in, it took a few seconds to adjust to your surroundings and you realized you were in the hospital. You tried to sit up but your head was pounding you turned your head and saw spencer sitting next to your bed, he had stitches on his forehead and a bandage around his hand. Once he realized you were awake he stood up and came closer to you you had worry on your face and he could tell. "Hey I'm ok just a few scratches" he tried to reassure you, yes that was one of the reasons you were worried but all you could think about was the baby. The doctor walked in and you both looked up at him "Good news your arm ex rays came back and nothings broken" he started "and the baby is completely healthy" he finished before walking out. You sighed but then looked over at Spencer "I'm sorry wha- what baby" he looks over at you confused. "Spencer I- I'm pregnant"  you looked down you didn't wanna meet his eyes. "Is it is it mi-" he asked "yes" you cut him off "Im sorry i should've told you sooner i was just so scared and i promise i was gonna tell you as soon as we got to your apart-" you started rambling. He grabbed your chin and pulled you in kissing you passionately you pulled away "Look i don't expect anything from you" you started again "Baby look at me" he whispered and pulled your face up again "Im not going anywhere I promise" he reassured you. "Oh thank god cause Im not sure what I'd do if our six year old asked me what algebra is" you giggled and he kissed you. "I love you you know that, I always have since the moment I saw you I tried to distance myself from you cause I was scared but I'm not anymore" He kissed you again "I love you to I love you so much" you gushed. Soon Emily came running in "Oh my god are you ok" she came up to you. "I'm fine and so is our baby you smiled and looked back at Spencer "Awwww you told him" she gushed. "Wait Emily knew" Spencer looked at you "sorry baby what can I say she's my best friend" you looked back at her and she gave you a hug. You kissed Spencer and the team came in but you kept kissing "I told you it would happen soon" Morgan laughed. You rolled your eyes "I have something else to tell you guys" Spencer looked up at the team "Y/n is pregnant and before you ask yes it's mine" he laughed. "Awwww baby geniuses" Jj laughed before giving you both a hug. "I'm so happy for you both but you know your gonna have to stay out of the field" Hotch congratulated you "yah I know" you sighed. After a few minutes the doctor came back "You'll be sore for a few days but your clear to go home tomorrow" the doctor smiled and walked out. "You should go home baby get some sleep" "baby I'm not going anywhere" he looked at you.
*Next morning*
You woke up to Spencer planting gentle kisses on your cheek and you smiled "good morning baby" he said in his gravely morning voice "Good morning baby" you gave him a quick peck on lips before sitting up. "Baby I told you to sleep with me last night not that uncomfortable chair" you scolded lightly. "Baby I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable while you slept" he moved the hair that had fallen onto your face and tucked it behind your ear. "I'd be more happy if you slept with me next time" you giggled "There better not be a next time" he scrunched up his nose and kissed you.
"We have your discharge papers ready" a nurse came in. "Ok thank you" you smiled before signing them. "Baby can I stay at your apartment" you gave him puppy dog eyes "Of course baby" he smiled. Once you got to his apartment he carried you in to his bedroom "My Prince Charming" you giggled and pulled him down with you. "I love you princess" he gave you a kiss on the cheek before laying down with you. "Babyyyyyy I want ice cream" you looked at him with a pouty lip "Whatever you want princess". He got up,  went to the kitchen and came back with a tub of ice cream and two spoons he cuddled up next to you and you both ate ice cream while watching Tv.

I don't like this chapter that much but here ya go anyways happy new years thanks so much for 1k views and please vote on this chapter:)

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