Chapter fourteen

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It had been 1 hour you guys had 23 hours to catch her, "Come on think Reid what's a place of significants to her" Morgan broke the silence "I don't know I don't fucking know" he was angry and scared. "Oh my god this isn't doing anything" you started crying again "Hey come here". Spencer grabbed your hand and pulled you to him you sat next to him and laid your head on his shoulder. He put his arm around you "we're gonna find her" he whispered into your ear. "If she's doing this to hurt Spencer she probably took Olivia somewhere of meaning for the both of you" Jj started. "Garcia is Harry and Glenn's still open" Reid asked. "Ummmmm yes in fact there open now "Ok so it's not there we have an apb out on her car and an amber alert it's to high risk" Morgan chimes in. "Ok what about Moonlight Rollerway" he asked again "One second- No there not open it closed down 5 months ago and the lot is vacant" Garcia explained. "Everyone started rushing out of the building and you followed "What no you can't come you just had a baby" Spencer grabbed your hand. "If you think your going to stop me from saving our child your out of your mind" you looked at him and he let go of your wrist. You Reid and Emily rode in one SUV and the rest of the team followed, you had your sirens on so you could get through traffic but once you got closer you turned them off not wanting to alarm her. Once you got there Spencer opened the doors and you all went in the main room with roller rink was empty so you started checking storage closets and restrooms. Then you heard crying and ran faster then you ever had you followed the crying into the managers office and saw a little basket and Olivia was in it but no sign of cat. You ran to Olivia and picked her up not sure if you would ever let go of her again Spencer can running in seconds later and ran up to bothe of you he hugged your and the baby wrapping his arms around both of you. There was a note next to the table:
Well spencie this was fun congrats on the baby Olivia Maeve Reid I see you took my name suggestion. Y/n this was fun we should do this again sometime -cat
You let out a breath and Spencer went back to hugging you. The team came in a few minutes later and the all sighed in relief that the baby was ok. You rocked the baby back to sleep and you and Spencer went back to the hospital the rest of the team was looking for cat and putting up road blocks. There was no use though she was already gone. "Well the good thing is your baby is in perfect health she may need a little betrayal food but other than that she fine" the doctor smiled you picked her back up and sat down. You guys went back to your apartment after a few hours "Can she please just sleep with us tonight I don't wanna leave her in her crib" you looked up at Spencer.  "Me neither come on let's go to bed he smiled and kissed the baby on the forehead before giving you a peck on the lips. You guys went to bed with Olivia between the two of you.
*Time jump to 4 am*
You instantly woke up to crying at 4 am Spencer woke up to, you picked her up and tried to rock her back to sleep but it didn't work. Spencer stood up "here let me try" you handed her to Spencer and he sat down in a rocking chair you guys got a few weeks ago. He rocked her in the chair and she slowly went sleep. You couldn't help the grin that grew across his face "what" he whispered. "Your an amazing dad" you came up to him and rubbed his back. "I love you princess" he whispered and looked up at you "I love you to". "Go back to sleep baby I've got her" he whispered and smiled "Are you sure baby" you asked "Yes I'm sure get some sleep" "ok" you gave him a kiss before laying down and pulling the blankets over you.

Ahhhh this gave me anxiety writing this. I'm not sure if I should continue the chapters I might make a little epilogue but I think this is the end:) Thank you guys so much for all the love 3k views is so crazy.

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