Noya and Tanaka

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 (Y/N) POV


   Remind me again why I was excited for school. I wake up groggy and exhausted even though I got a good amount of sleep. I roll out of bed and throw on the school uniform we picked up on the way back last night. I silently praise myself for picking the upstairs room with the extra bathroom because now I won't have to go downstairs looking like hell.

   I prepare for the day by brushing out my tangled hair and washing my face. Once I'm done I head downstairs and chuck a few pieces of bread into the toaster. My dad has already left for work and my mom is probably still in bed, she's not a morning person. I finish breakfast and go upstairs one last time to brush my teeth. 

   I check my phone for the time and see that I've still got 5 minutes before I have to leave. Asahi promised to meet me at the school gates before the bell to show me around. I use this time to check my Snapchat, I smile when I see one from my best friend. Yuji Terushima. We had been best friends since first year junior high and had stayed by each other since. I had gone to all his games and we used to hang out all the time. When I told him that I was moving he hugged me really tight and told me that we would still be best friends no matter what. I loved him, but only as a friend, which sucked for him because on multiple occasions he had tried his luck on me but each time was no better than the last.

Piss Baby:

Yo, how's the new crib


It's good, i got a floor all to myself 

   Terushima replied almost immediately.       

Piss Baby:

damn cool, im jealous

i can't believe you left me (Y/N), who am i going to eat with, who will deal with my shit!


you're a big boy Teru, i'm sure you'll figure it out

Piss Baby:

ur so cruel, anyways have a good first day bitch, luv ya <3


thanks asshole, luv ya too <3

   I grab my bag and head to school, locking the door behind me. I put my headphones in and queue up enough songs to make it to school. When I arrive I see Asahi standing at the entrance with another boy who looked like he was a third year as well. Asahi sees me approaching and waves, the other boy turns around and then turns back to my cousin. I go and stand beside Asahi and the other boy smiles at me.

   "You must be (Y/N) (L/N). Asahi mentioned that his cousin would be coming to kurasuno today. I'm Daichi Sawamura, captain of the volleyball team." the boy says bowing. 

   I bow back politely, "It's nice to meet you, Asahi told me a little bit about you and the team yesterday".

   Asahi excuses the two of you from the conversation so he can show you around before the first bell. After a thorough tour he takes you to your class. 

   "One of the second years I was telling you about yesterday is in this class and I told him about you so if a short boy with a blonde puff of hair comes up to you that's him" Asahi says before leaving for his own class, but he left before I had a chance for this boys name. 

   I enter the class and the teacher greets me kindly before showing telling me where I should sit. There was still a few minutes before class started so I was sitting alone at the back waiting for everyone else to arrive. I pull out the manga I was reading and try to get some pages done before it gets to loud. I only have about a minute of quiet before I feel a tap on my shoulder, I look up too see the boy that Asahi described to me. He wasn't kidding when he said this kid was short, he must be the libero of the team.

   "Hi! Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" He asks happily.

   "Yeah I am, you must be the boy who's friends with Asahi" I say standing up out of my seat.

   The boy points his thumb at his chest with force "That's me! The names Nishinoya but everyone calls me Senpai."

   "No one calls you that Nishinoya" a girl says as she passes by us. 

   I laugh "Alright then Nishinoya, it's nice to meet you" 

   Nishinoya freezes for a second and then replies with "Y-yeah you too, well I'm gonna go to my seat now."

   The end of that encounter was a little weird but looking past that Nishinoya seems like a pretty cool guy. Just as I suspected class wasn't to difficult. After class Nishinoya came up to me again and asked if I wanted to eat lunch with him and his friend. I agreed and we made our way outside. We sat under a tree and talked while we waited for his friend to show up. We mostly talked about volleyball, I found out that I was correct in the assumption that he was the libero. 

   Nishinoya and I were in the middle of a conversation when I feel someone sit down beside me. 

   "Tanaka! You took your sweet time" Nishinoya say to this new boy who's name was Tanaka I guess.

   "Sorry Noya, I got caught up talking to a chic" Tanaka says smirking.

   Nishinoya gives Tanaka a look of disbelieve "Tanaka if you're gonna lie at least make it believable" he says shaking his head.

   "It's not that unbelievable is it?! Girls totally dig me!" Tanaka yells at Nishinoya seemingly surprised by his friends comment.

   Noya shrug with a smug look on his face "If that was true you'd have a girlfriend." That seemed to humble Tanaka quite a bit so he stopped talking for a bit.

   "Anyways, this is (Y/N) she's Asahi's cousin" Nishinoya says and I turn to Tanaka.

   "Hi" I say, not really knowing what else to do.

   "Hey, y'know your pretty cute." Tanaka says.

   This took me back a bit cause I never really got compliments like that. "Oh, uh thank you" I reply.

   Right before lunch ends, Tanaka and Nishinoya invite to come watch their practice after school. You were already planning on it since Asahi suggested that you make some friends there. Tanaka goes one way and you and Nishinoya go the other towards your class.

   "Hey (Y/N), you can just call me Noya from now on since we are friends" he says as we walk down the hallway.

   "Alright sounds good" I reply.

   You make it to class and find your seats just as the teacher starts talking.

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