Meet The Team

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   (Y/N) POV

Once class is let out for the day Noya and I head over to the gym but once we get there he leaves to go get changed and tells me just to wait there for him or Tanaka. Before Noya comes back Asahi arrives with the gym key and tells you that you can sit on the bench with the managers. 

   A little while after the boys started practicing two girls walked in, one of them looked to be a third year and the other a first year. They saw me sitting on the bench and came over my way. 

   "Hi, I'm Kiyoko Shimizu and this is Yachi Hitoka. We are the team managers, you must be (Y/N)" The taller girl  with black hair says. 

   "Yes I am, it's nice to meet you" I say bowing to both of them. 

   "So you're Asahi's younger cousin right?" Yachi asks. 

   "Ah yeah, he's older than me by a year" I say smiling at her.

   "That's so cool, did you know he's the Ace of our team" she says, she seemed excited to meet me but at the same time really nervous.

   "Oh he is, he never told me that. But yeah that's awesome!" I say wondering why he never mentioned such a cool thing. 

   For the rest of the practice the girls and I talk and help out the boys if they ever asked for it. Yachi and Kiyoko are really cool people and I hope we can be friends. 

   Asahi stays after to help clean up and tells me to wait by the gates so he can walk me home. He doesn't take very long in the gym and soon we are on our way home. 

   "Hey Asahi you never mentioned that you were the Ace, that's so cool!" I say to break the silence as we walk up my street.

   "Yeah well, I honestly don't think that I deserve that title so I didn't say anything" Asahi says frowning and looking down.

   "That's just silly talk Asahi, cause even if you don't think that you deserve that title, everyone else seems to think you do so accept it gratefully and move on. Or even better, work towards being able to think of yourself as worthy" I say trying to knock some sense into him.

  Asahi looks at me softly "If there's anything I remember about you, its that you always give great advice, thanks (Y/N)"

   We reach my house and I say goodnight to Asahi and tell him to text me when he gets home. I unlock the door and am greeted with a dark house. I guess mom and dad are still out, I don't mind though because then I can watch my shows on the big TV without feeling like I'm being judged. 

No one's POV

   You bring your homework to the kitchen table and put on a show you've already watched for background noise. Once the sun goes down you take a break and make yourself dinner, most nights were like this but as mentioned before, you didn't mind. 

   After dinner you finished up the rest of your homework then went on your phone. As you were scrolling through TikTok a text from Terushima popped up on your screen. You tapped it happy to have someone to talk to.

Piss Baby:

Yo (Y/N) how was your first day, did anyone try and get with you. if someone does just tell them i'm your bf k?


we both know thats a massive lie, but it was good i met the kurasuno team and made some friends so you don't need to spend any time worrying about me

Piss Baby:

how did you know i was worried :) it must be because we are soulmates


sir, how many times is it gonna take, we are not. i luv ya but only as a friend

Piss Baby: 

ur so mean, my heart is shattering

wanna call?



Incoming call from Piss Baby:   

Accept              Decline

   You accept his call and his face pops up on your screen, it takes you a second to realize but he's not wearing a shirt and his hair is wet. 

   "Teru did you just get out of the shower?" you ask knowing you were right.

   He smirks "I did, are you jealous you couldn't join me" he says wiggling his eyebrows. 

   "Absolutely not, I'm actually happy with the amount of distance between us after hearing you say that" you say laughing at his useless attempts to flirt. "Wait, omg are you wearing pants? You better be wearing pants, I swear to god Teru, if you're butt naked on call again I'm leaving and blocking your number."

   "(Y/N) that was only once, and only cause all my pants were in the washer. But yes I am wearing pant's this time." He says laughing at the past memory that left you scarred.

   "Ok, I'll believe you this time" I say giving him a skeptical look. 

   "I don't think you do, here I'll show you for good measure" he says as he walks into his bathroom.

   You're scared to see if he's actually wearing pants but when he turns the camera around and shows his full body in the mirror you see that he is in fact wearing pants, grey sweat pants to be exact. You'd seen his body enough times before to not be fazed when he flashed it around but anyone else would've been a blushing mess at the sight of his toned upper body from all the hard work he's put in for volleyball. 

   For the next few hours you and Terushima talk, only pausing when your parents came home and you had to migrate upstairs for privacy. At 10pm he excuses himself saying that he has morning practice the next day, you say goodnight and hang up. Asahi had also mentioned that the team had been having more morning classes since summer break was coming up and they wanted to fit in as much practice as they would before school was let off. 

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