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   Everyone was packing up to leave, little energy was left after the long day we had. Tendou and I stood up and started packing as well, we didn't speak. I wanted to say something but the words didn't come to me so I stayed quiet. Once everything is ready we all walk towards to parking lot to part ways until the next get together. Tendou's hand is entangled in mine and we swing our arms softly as we walk. I look up at his face and see that he looks rather sick, or nervous I can't tell which one. 

   "Are you alright, you look pale?" I question.

   He jumps slightly, startled at the sudden noise "Oh yeah I'm fine, don't worry!" He smiles down at me but it doesn't look genuine.

Tendou POV

   I'm about to shit myself, I don't think I've ever been this nervous before. Sure there's games and stuff but the stakes seem a little higher here. I know I've only known (Y/N) for a few days but we've gotten really close, and she seems to be into me as much as I'm into her. So, I plan to ask her to be my girlfriend. Make things official, I don't like how many guys she hangs out with on a daily basis but I can't just ask her to stop, so I'll just claim her as mine. 

   I guess my nerves are showing because I can tell (Y/N) is looking at me. She asks if I'm ok, I tell her I am and try to think of a way to carry the conversation. Maybe now is a good time to ask. 

   I clear my throat "Hey (Y/N) can I ask you something?"

   "Of course, anything" she responds but doesn't meet my eyes. 

   This is it, the moment of truth. I start to panic, what if the whole day had just been a fling to her? What if it meant nothing? Well, no turning back now. "Um, will you, uh, I mean, (Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?!" The question turns into a bit of a yell at the end. I've never done this before so I didn't know how to execute it. Well I tried to ask a girl out once in first year but she rejected me and called me a 'Monster' ever since then I had given up on the dating scene and just focused on volleyball. 

   I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice (Y/N) giggling beside me. I was right, I mean nothing to her. She can probably see the dejection written on my face and she starts waving her hands.

   "I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh Tendou, I know that that was probably really hard to say. But you were just so cute when you said it that I couldn't help myself." (Y/N) says trying to reassure me, "Alright I'm gonna restart that, yes Tendou, I would love to be your girlfriend."

    In that moment all the stress flows away, it was worth it in the end. She said yes. I silly little grin creeps onto my face and I crush her in a hug. 


   "(Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?" Tendou awkwardly yells at me. I can tell he was really nervous but I don't blame him. 

   Then it hits me what he's asking. Girlfriend? My brain stops working for a second as I proses. My body takes over and I start giggling, a little bit because of how awkward her was, and I little bit because I was relieved. 

   I can see that Tendou thinks I'm laughing at him and I try to get him to understand I'm not. I agree to be his girlfriend and suddenly I'm pulled into a bone crushing hug. I hug him back and smile into his shoulder. I lift my head up and see Terushima walking past us, tears falling down his face. 

   Oh, right. 

   I decide not to deal with Terushima at the moment, I can text him when I get home. For now I give all my attention to Tendou. We break away and keep walking to the parking lot. I'm glad that he made a move because I was to scared, but I also would've regretted not saying anything all week. 

   Still, no matter how happy I was about being Tendou's girlfriend, I couldn't help but be worried that I wouldn't be any good at it, since this was my first official relationship. 

   We reach the parking lot and join the group to say goodbye. The Kurasuno guys are all together getting ready to catch the bus home. I hug Tendou and kiss him sweetly on the lips before leaving to join them. A content smile plays at my lips as we walk away. 

   On the way home Kiyoko, Saeko and Yachi pester me for all the details. I give them what they wanted, but kept the more embarrassing and personal details to myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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